Example sentences of "for it [be] [noun] [Wh pn] " in BNC.

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1 In a paper on peace and violence this is probably a proper focus , for it is men who are usually in charge of techniques of attack against outsiders .
2 For it was Gould who showed Darwin his first evidence of the possible transmutation of species .
3 For it was Protestants who got better jobs , who skipped the queue for houses , who made my father work on Christmas day when the union voted against the optional holiday — to keep the Papes in their place .
4 It may be significant that Rose was working for Henry Compton [ q.v. ] , bishop of London , in 1675 , for it was Compton who , in the words of Stephen Switzer [ q.v. ] , was London 's ‘ great Encourager ’ , employing him at Fulham Palace .
5 She glanced across to Raynor again , and saw him bow his head in brief acknowledgement , and she smiled inwardly , for it was Raynor who had given her the clue , the idea , the knowledge of how to approach his people .
6 In Dhondt 's view , Charles was the arch-squanderer of the fisc , his reign the critical period in the formation of territorial hereditary principalities in what would become France , for it was Charles who allowed the amassing of countships and once-royal estates by great regional magnates .
7 The region was very proud that Hilda Hyam received one of the special Silver Medal Awards at the 30th reunion , for it was Hilda who brought Medau to Weston-super-Mare and Bridgwater more than 20 years ago .
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