Example sentences of "for [pers pn] was say that " in BNC.

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1 There were complaints when Hitler 's speech to the Party ‘ old guard ’ in Munich on 8 November was not broadcast , for it was said that in the disappointment about the unfulfilled expectations from the Russian campaign many people ‘ had felt the need to hear the voice of the Führer again and to derive new strength from his words ’ .
2 A difficult birth was soon linked to a disputed paternity , for it was said that Hortense had had a lover — several names were suggested — and that Louis-Napoleon was the result of an illicit union .
3 The laughter filled the room , it filled the shop , it even penetrated the wall into the tobacconist 's shop and made Arthur Conway wonder if the three old girls next door had gone barmy or taken to the bottle early in the day , for it was said that they took wine with their dinner .
4 There is even some doubt in some quarters as to whether in fact the unfortunate children were interred at Charfield , for it was said that an Army vehicle was noticed briefly at the scene of the accident , and it has been suggested that some of the remains , possibly those of the children , were removed amid the general confusion .
5 There they lived their lives , and prospered for a while ; but there was a disquiet amongst them , for it was said that they had been created with a purpose in this life , and that the purpose had something to do with the manner of their creation .
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