Example sentences of "means that [pers pn] have [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ They are going for maximum output from this reduced acreage and that in turn means that they have to use all the most cost-effective technology — including chemicals as and when required . ’
2 If one subtracts the vote of this vulnerable group from the remaining 76 per cent , this means that they have to live with the knowledge that more than one in four of voting co-residents have voted for a party that is rabidly hostile to them .
3 This means that we have to respond to customer requirements minute by minute .
4 Unfortunately this coverage means that we have to let some top events go elsewhere . ’
5 The introduction of a second asset means that we have to take account of the capital market equilibrium condition : the return from holding stocks of the natural resource must equal the return to physical capital .
6 We are taught at school that if , when subtracting , the number on the top is smaller than that on the bottom , we have to carry ten from the left , take the bottom number from that ten and then add the top one — only sometimes we find that the top number on the left is a zero which means that we have to carry ten from the one to the left of that , turn the zero into a nine and then carry the ten … what a complicated process .
7 Daily life means that we have to stop seeing , for example on the tube .
8 But every new specification means that we have to stop production , retool or reset the machines , stop a flow line , or whatever .
9 The , another point is that that having raised the hopes of the housing associations the council is now actually trying to close a door that that we ourselves opened and this is tantamount to paying lip service to the health and the housing associations , yes , we 'll support you but not if it means that we have to sell you our houses .
10 Erm I would n't think so w w it means that we have to get to know the the local clients very well indeed .
11 Even so , tough or not , fungus attack is persistent , and the principle of prevention being better than cure means that we have to try to prevent the development and growth of spores into our roses by spreading a film of fungus-toxic material on leaf , shoot and other vulnerable parts — a contact killer — or , as we are now able to do for insects , we can render the sap stream and internal tissue poisonous to invading fungus by introducing a systemic fungicide .
12 This means that we have to specify a number of assumptions , and those we have chosen are intended to conform with the Keynesian view of how the economy works and at the same time to simplify the analysis in a way which enables us to see clearly how DD unemployment can arise .
13 And so children have got to leave school able to cope with these changes , and this means that we have to develop self-reliance in them , and general abilities for living .
14 We are urgently searching for a set — I 've been informed that some surviving sets are twisted — and if it means that we have to look abroad for a new set in Poland than so be it !
15 Well it I mean already , it is having quite an im impact erm especially for items like furniture and bedding , and I mean bedding does n't last for ever , especially with a family , and I know erm they 're allowed every so often , but erm I mean I think erm the the cutbacks are becoming more and more and more and and people seem to be which means that we have to look around for voluntary erm agencies that ca such as , who can provide us with furniture or beds and bedding .
16 it would seem that the economics of the socially approved tobacco and alcohol industries means that we have to accept 42,000 deaths annually from cigarettes , and the cost to society of 50,000 alcoholics .
17 Among other things , this means that we have to learn to recognise the sounds , spellings and meanings of individual words , and to store this information in such a way that we can call upon it when we encounter spoken or written words .
18 Well , in theory up to an extent you are the answer which means that we have to buy less things , eat less , and , because we are you know that , I mean , I mean n I do n't want to , I mean I 'm not talking to anyone in particular , but we have a lot of very very big people and .
19 If it means that it has to go on the other side of the road , could we please have that .
20 ‘ It was re-seeded but the seed was drowned out last autumn and difficult weather conditions in the spring means that it has to remain fenced off and unusable for this year 's show . ’
21 ‘ It was re-seeded but the seed was drowned out last autumn and difficult weather conditions in the spring means that it has to remain fenced off and unusable for this year 's show . ’
22 My position as warden means that I have to spend a fair amount of time in the office , dealing with correspondence and the large amount of information that our fieldwork generates .
23 It means that I have to do it !
24 It means that I have to work through these guys .
25 The immersion in the mikva is only valid if there is no obstruction between the body and the water , and this means that you have to take off your jewellery , glasses , contact lenses , nail varnish , make up and elastoplast , in fact anything which forms a barrier between yourself and the water .
26 And he added , with a simplicity that subsequent proponents of deterrence have learned to avoid : ‘ [ this ] means that you have to kill women and children more quickly than the enemy if you want to save yourselves . ’
27 Well that 's if you get the , the next page which means that you have to have twenty stamps in all .
28 In practice , this means that you have to show your own original recordings either by playing them directly off the camcorder onto the colour television , or by first copying them onto one of your table-top machine cassettes for showing along with your other tapes .
29 This used to be a lot easier to do than it is now : for one thing , working in the profession means that you have to belong to the actors ' union , Equity .
30 Joining at a later stage means that you have to accept what has been agreed by others . ’
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