Example sentences of "let me [vb infin] it [adj] " in BNC.

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1 But let me tell it all in the right order .
2 Let me make it clear .
3 Let me make it clear that my borough is willing to help .
4 ‘ Dear young man , ’ she said , ‘ let me write it all down . ’
5 Let me get it straight .
6 ROS : Let me get it straight .
7 Let me put it straight , sincere and blunt
8 ’ We came on the name through a retired CIA man in America ; let me put it that way . ’
9 L coming back to your other point I mean your saying you could not physically , or you would not wish to accommodate , let me put it that way , you would not wish to accommodate anything more than is now you 're you 're making provision for within the South Ryedale local plan
10 Please note that you do not have to open the rings to put these markers over , though you should after you 've done it the first time , erm , it should become easier with practice , let me put it that way , okay .
11 Let me put it another way .
12 Let me put it another way , boys , ’ their father said , sitting back and wiping his mouth on his hand .
13 Let me put it another way .
14 Let me put it another way .
15 Let me put it another way , Bernard , when you uttered your little cry ‘ Bastard ! ’
16 Let me put it another way , if we lived in a magic world , and were n't having things like essays and package deals together , and any officer was being asked to forecast the money that would be needed for the sensible and , and virile implementation of five B , would you arrive at a figure of about thirty thousand pounds or not ?
17 Then let me put it another way . ’
18 Let me put it another way then .
19 Let me put it this way , child .
20 Well , then , let me put it this way : neither you nor I is happy ; but I may at least continue to be only moderately unhappy in reasonable comfort , while you may abruptly cease to be anything at all except on Social Security if goat 's cheese and sheep 's yoghurt hit a rough patch .
21 Let me put it this way , I 'm doing the one job in the world which I really want to do , which I love — and work to me is pleasure , so I do n't have very much time and even the things I do in a way are relaxation .
22 Let me put it this way : presiding over the darkness out of which I had loomed there was a figure , a male shape , with an entirely unmanageable aura , containing such things as beauty , terror , love , filth , and above all power .
23 Let me put it this way , Sir Robert , if Moodie dreaded our return then he had very little to fear . ’
24 Well let me put it this way er it 's the two's company three 's a crowd problem .
25 Let me put it this way to you Noel
26 He recognizes her but how , how many er , let me put it this way , if the police came to your house to talk to your mother , would you expect them to recognize her , or would you expect him to say , oh my God they 've come ?
27 The first is er , erm , well let me put it this way , not the last one of the sessions I did here , but the one before that , there was a huge guy sitting about where Colin is sitting .
28 well er let me put it this way , if there , if there is good reason , good objective reason for preventing a person competing in the sugar market then article eighty five does n't follow
29 Let me put it this way , and I think this may please the Noble Lord MacIntosh , there are moments when this House is in danger of being too conservative .
30 Oh well if you let me have it this week I 'll let you have it back at the weekend .
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