Example sentences of "let [pers pn] [vb infin] [that] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It may not be certain , as Ken Landon says , that Ho and Co will succeed in setting up a Communist State if they get rid of the French , but let me suggest that from the stand-point of the security of the US , it is one hell of a big chance to take .
2 And let me illustrate that in a context let's say a local radio station .
3 You 'll have a chance to come back on whether we have got the wrong impression on that , I mean I recall Mr Heselton 's quite clearly , but let me pursue that at a stage further if if we take that as our impression of what you have said collectively , and you are asked to make provision for nine thousand seven hundred dwellings , again collectively in the Greater York area , and I 'm addressing this question to the districts , what provision would you make in your districts of your district figure in the Greater York area ?
4 But let me say that in saying that I 'm a boilermaker , I have always been , I am now , and I will always be proud to say that I 'm a boilermaker .
5 ‘ Here , let me take that from you , ’ said Charlie , reaching for the bowler hat Lawler was holding .
6 Let me qualify that by saying … some Irishmen .
7 Let us assume that as a result of the increased prices obtained for consumer goods , there is induced an increase in capacity in Dept .
8 Let us assume that within a certain time , probably around a year or so for most people , you will have achieved your ideal weight , a good , firm shape , and a reasonable level of physical fitness .
9 Let us assume that in the split second that it took our sender to walk into the room and to recognise another person , a decision was made to smile .
10 Let us suppose that to each positive integer n there corresponds a statement which we denote by S(n) .
11 And let us suppose that in 1948 , following the fighting , he left his ordinary place of residence for a place of insurrection , then he is an absentee — even if he did not join the Arab forces that were fighting against Israel . ’
12 Let us suppose that in fact there are not more than 600 quarters , the holders of which are willing to accept as low a price as 35s. ; but that holders of another hundred would be tempted by 36s. ; and holders of yet another three hundred by 37s .
13 Let us hope that for once he will stand up and be counted and go down fighting — as go down he assuredly will .
14 Let us accept that by no means all research stems from the reading of published theoretical work or dissatisfaction with the use of concepts .
15 First let us notice that in one respect Brentano is as fully in the Cartesian tradition as anyone else .
16 Let us say that in the first place man is a creature responding intelligently or stupidly to his surroundings , much as an animal does .
17 For the present , let us note that in Marx 's view of history as a dialectical process , just as in a society whose mode of production was feudal , with its ‘ contradictions ’ , a ruling class of landowners had been overthrown by an exploited peasantry , so too in a society whose mode was bourgeois would the capitalists be overthrown by the proletariat .
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