Example sentences of "set up [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 When a joint committee of CST and CASS was set up during the debates , it was chaired by Sir Alan Richmond , who described it as ‘ the most difficult committee I have ever chaired in my life ’ .
2 This pattern carried on one which already characterised the silk mills that had been set up following the success of the Derby mill .
3 A memorial fund to help young people enjoy the outdoors has been set up following the death in March of one of Britain 's leading climbers , Andy Fanshawe .
4 The Crowd Behaviour Panel was set up following the Report of the Joint ESRC/Sports Council Panel on Public Disorder and Sporting Events ( 1979 ) ; and following a seminar in 1981 the decision was taken to sponsor a series of research projects which would contribute to the understanding of contemporary crowd disturbances in Britain .
5 Crowd behaviour The Crowd Behaviour Panel was set up following the Report of the Joint ESRC/Sports Council Panel on Public Disorder and Sporting Events ( 1979 ) ; and following a seminar in 1981 the decision was taken to sponsor a series of research projects which would contribute to the understanding of contemporary crowd disturbances in Britain .
6 Having established that they had no signs of any fatigue cracks on the rear spar chord , the left and right stabilisers from two different aircraft were set up on the test rig .
7 Is it set up on the system , word processing ?
8 Even afterwards at Four Winds , where a marquee had been set up on the lawn , and the guests mingled , Merrill still saw the affair as a disjointed series of impressions .
9 They have the bath set up on the floor there , you can reach a hand out and touch it .
10 If more than one yacht visited , a barbecue was set up on the beach , and many a bleary Azorian dawn was witnessed as a result .
11 We just need to get a letter set up on the stand alone system .
12 And that was plucked out by its roots , and two rows were set up on the green ; boys and girls were in each row .
13 Models enable complex relationships to be set up on the computer in numerical form rather than in the form of subjective statements .
14 The press played down these reverses , and they paled into insignificance when in spring 1943 word spread that a prisoner of-war camp was going to be set up on the outskirts of Fontanellato .
15 In a similar manner to the interview analysis technique , a record was set up on the database for each activity using the numerical codes as an identifier , and a second field used to type in all information needed or produced by that activity .
16 It was hoped that a small part of those works could stay in operation , renovating locomotives and rolling stock and that eventually a heritage museum could be set up on the site .
17 The software for the 1991 SAS/LBS was set up on the assumption that the Census data was fixed and unchanging ; however , this proved to be unrealistic .
18 Izvestiya of March 5 published a letter from Yegor Yakovlev , head of the Ostankino state television and radio company [ for its formation in December see p. 38655 ] , to CIS heads of state , proposing that an international broadcasting company be set up on the basis of the Ostankino company .
19 Notice boards were set up on the College house , and at the corner of the road .
20 The ‘ Great Debate ’ , initiated by James Callaghan in 1977 , was set up on the premise that education was failing .
21 The lion 's share of Singapore 's exports is produced by the 3,000-odd foreign companies that have set up on the island .
22 Many new shipping companies formed in the late 1800's were set up on the strength of the coal markets .
23 In theory , a limited partnership could be set up on the retirement of a working partner , where the continuing partners experience difficulty in acquiring the outgoing partner 's share by an immediate cash payment .
24 We kept guard against the security forces and helped in the communal kitchen which was set up for the support committee .
25 A new Quality Performance system was set up for the person rowing the boat to give him more incentive to work harder and become a key performer .
26 A Central Management Committee was set up for the Government legal service and , as senior Government lawyer , it fell to Ware to be chairman of this and to become head of the parallel Legal Career Service .
27 Your machine may already have been set up for the size of paper you are using .
28 But real life , both human life and plant and animal life , is not set up for the benefit of spectators .
29 The new company T&D Ceratec has been set up for the manufacture , marketing and technical development of glass colours in Japan .
30 A disaster fund was set up for the widows and orphans and they were reasonably well provided for financially , although the sums they received seem very small by today 's standards of compensation and value of money .
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