Example sentences of "set [adv] [verb] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I am aware that reducing costs , particularly in the area of construction and materials , has become a key goal throughout the organisation and I support the various task forces which have been set up to explore this aspect of our business .
2 In the light of discussion , a working party was set up to explore these options .
3 The following groups have been set up to examine all aspects of the service on a corporate basis :
4 Typically we do n't we implement it in software and even in software it 's very quick because computers are ideally set up to implement these sort of systems .
5 To summarise , at this point in the analysis the database had been set up listing all activities considered systemically desirable to achieve the transformation defined by the root definition , identified by description and by code .
6 The Bat Conservation Trust was set up to provide such facts on bats ( not ill-informed opinions as in your editorial ) so that people could make judgments for themselves .
7 I 'll look forward to a working party to be set up to address this situation .
8 The commission is likely to suggest that a new , independent tribunal be set up to review such allegations .
9 Of course a spindle moulder can be set up to produce this type of moulding for long runs , but in the restoration of old furniture there is little call for such a machine .
10 The conference was set up to attract more business to north Oxfordshire , where along of the flanks of the M40 empty office space is part of the landscape .
11 Schools affording hundreds of thousands of places were set up to bring some form of education to the children of the poor .
12 Prior to the course validation event , a subcommittee comprising — was set up to consider each course and review its ‘ enterprise ’ content .
13 Yesterday 's transport committee heard that a group is being set up to consider all aspects of rail travel in the North-East .
14 A parliamentary commission if inquiry ( the CPI ) has been set up to investigate any moves to protect Indians or the environment — which the CPI says are ploys to disguise foreign interests in the Amazon 's vast natural resources .
15 New anti-fraud teams have been set up to investigate any discrepancies .
16 On 1 January 1992 three multifunctional teams of 10 people were set up to handle all aspects of Life and Pensions contracts .
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