Example sentences of "series of [noun] to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 There was no Tube then to Pimlico , and they proceeded by a series of tacks to Victoria .
2 From 1977 onwards the DES sent a series of circulars to LEAs asking how they were discharging their duties under the 1944 Education Act to monitor the curriculum in the schools .
3 Modern law , Lowi has observed , ‘ has become a series of instructions to administrators rather than a series of commands to citizens ’ ( 1979:106 , italics omitted ) .
4 He wrote a series of letters to Pepys , Locke and other friends , accusing them of being atheists and Catholics .
5 To this statement Paschal added a series of directions to Anselm showing in detail how the decrees were to be applied to parochial churches and to ecclesiastical land held by lay service .
6 Modern law , Lowi has observed , ‘ has become a series of instructions to administrators rather than a series of commands to citizens ’ ( 1979:106 , italics omitted ) .
7 A roving exhibition is planned for the future along with a series of talks to schools and other groups by the council 's dog warden .
8 Unions will want to put a series of questions to Raytheon 's president Max Bleck about the US company 's long-term plans for the assembly of the 125–800 and 125–1000 jets at Broughton .
9 They also confirmed that an American named David Lovejoy had made a series of calls to Hussein Niknam , the Iranian chargé d'affaires , about a team of American agents , led by Charles Dennis McKee and Matthew Kevin Gannon , who had arrived in Beirut on a mission concerned with the hostages .
10 Walking north from Gargrave the Pennine Wayfarer follows a meandering path over a series of drumlins to Airton , where an old cotton mill was once used for the manufacture of Dettol .
11 On March 6 Frans Andriessen , the EC Commissioner responsible for external relations and trade policy and relations with other European countries , began a series of visits to Poland , Czechoslovakia , Hungary , Bulgaria and Romania .
12 ‘ The President left last night for a series of visits to Europe — ’ the picture cut to the President boarding Air Force One at Charles De Gaulle Airport-'which will culminate in a private meeting with the Russian President in Germany .
13 These were compounded by my recollections of a series of visits to Moorfields Eye Hospital and at least one incarceration there when I was about four .
14 The equation represents the limiting case at infinite dilution and it is necessary to extrapolate for a series of solutions to c = 0 in order to calculate M n .
15 A depth scale can be devised by directing diagonals of a receding series of squares to VPd ( vanishing point for diagonals ) .
16 Meanwhile , the Labour MP , Peter Hain has blamed the Conservatives for a series of break-ins to Commons offices of Opposition members .
17 Santa Monica , California-based Retix Inc warns that it expects net profit and turnover to be below analysts ' estimates for its first quarter ending April 3 : it expects operating results to be hurt by delays in releasing product enhancements for its RouterXchange 7000 series of routers to volume production , including support for IBM 's Token Ring network environment ; sales may be down up to 15% , and it may only break even or even worse .
18 The long series of delays to CD-I 's launch has undoubtedly sapped the confidence of potential publishing investors .
19 He made a series of trips to Algeria reminiscent of those that he had made to the French provinces in the autumn of 1944 .
20 Some years ago Radio Luxembourg carried out a series of presentations to agencies on the subject of ‘ visual transfer ’ — a term used in the USA for the more or less observable fact that most of the TV audience recognize TV commercials from their soundtracks , and that , therefore , using the TV soundtrack , or something close to it , on radio can greatly enhance the coverage and frequency of a TV campaign .
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