Example sentences of "series of [noun pl] [pron] [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 Furthermore , interrogation of witnesses involves another series of identifications which raise similar problems .
2 The dolphins may also make loud sounds and a series of echo-clicks which help to herd the fish and may even stun them .
3 In a series of estimates which have ranged from 25 or even 30 per cent to 8½ per cent ( was that really said ? ) there is obviously material to suit almost every taste .
4 Summary : This fits into a series of initiatives which have been organised by the Islamologists in Paris .
5 The series of papers which form the basic data set for this research ( the Rolfe papers , and Will 1985 ) , contained lists of theses arranged in a classified order .
6 This is certainly , from an assault , one of the worst series of injuries I 've seen for someone of her age .
7 We are caught in a series of mimeses which push Burbank into the focus of ritual , his actions sliding imperceptibly into reactions to and reenactments of a past rite whose origins we can never witness .
8 Kyle ( 1980b ) describes a series of experiments which examine the nature of serial recall in sign .
9 Theodore Barber of Medfield State Hospital in Massachusetts has carried out a series of experiments which suggest that there is nothing a hypnotised subject will do that a motivated non-hypnotised person will not do as well .
10 In this series of articles we examine the performance profiles of a range of applications so that you may better define and refine your system .
11 When you tackle a foreign language at school it tends to be treated like a series of codes you have to crack .
12 Computers are used in all walks of life , although so far in our series of programmes we 've largely been looking at scientific applications .
13 In a traditional plant the engine , transmission , and axles are placed onto ‘ the track ’ — a chain-driven series of platforms which move continuously at a fixed pace while the operators work on the cars — and the painted body is lowered onto them .
14 Professor Dyos ' study of Camberwell was the first in a series of examinations which have enabled us to see how the ubiquitous terraced streets of our great cities were laid out and slowly built up in a highly complex way , for a whole series of social and economic reasons .
15 N. Bailey ( e.g. 1973 ) and Bickerton ( e.g. 1973 , 1975 ) have claimed that the continuum of " lects " between " basilect " and " acrolect " can be characterised by a series of rules which convert each lect , starting from basilect , into the next upward lect .
16 Peter van Soest starts Nutritional Ecology of the Ruminant with a brief historical resume of the study of ruminant nutrition and the development of food analysis and then moves through a series of chapters which describe with great clarity the mathematics involved in the measurement of throughput rate and digestibility .
17 Case studies consist of a description of an event concerning a real life or simulated situation , usually in the form of a paragraph of text , a video , a picture or a role play exercise which is then followed by a series of instructions which prompt the student into analysing the situation presented , drawing conclusions and making decisions or suggested courses of action .
18 Every month the Shell Gold Card provides a series of reports which give you a complete picture of your fleet 's performance .
19 Of considerable importance is a series of cases which introduce the concept of ‘ legitimate expectation ’ into the law of standing .
20 I list a series of questions which need answers :
21 To those unfamiliar with UK public records legislation , especially those from abroad , the series of questions I have posed above might seem rather odd .
22 In 1963 , Butler and Stokes began a series of surveys which set a new pattern , and a new standard , for the study of voting behaviour in Britain : their sample was large , nation-wide , and was interviewed several times between 1963 and 1970 ; and the authors were concerned to apply a rigour that had been absent from most of the earlier single constituency studies of electoral choice .
23 It is this whole series of changes which effect the transformation we recognize as modernity .
24 More than 3,000 people joined Government programmes and 504,056 receive help under a series of schemes which exclude them from the unemployment count .
25 It is another example of Rolle 's singing prose as he moves through a series of figures which accumulate a delighted perception of love as the Word which informs all meaning .
26 Knowles and Mercer reject the idea that there is any general relationship between ‘ race ’ and gender as forms of division : rather , both racism and sexism should be ‘ viewed as a series of effects which do not have a single cause ’ .
27 This is then built-up to a six-carbon monosaccaride or else enters a series of reactions which result in the regeneration of ribulose diphosphate .
28 You bring lots of people in at junior management and through a series of apprenticeships you cream off the people who get to the top .
29 After taking a series of measurements I put a numbered ring on each bird 's leg so that if one came to grief and was picked up at some time in the future , its identity could be established .
30 This is only the latest in a series of issues which have emerged as computer technology has developed and linked up with telecommunications , and which appear to bear upon fundamental questions of individual freedom .
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