Example sentences of "to find that [pers pn] have [adv] " in BNC.

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1 She looked up , startled to find that they had already arrived at the top floor , and were now walking down the corridor towards her apartment .
2 It is interesting to find that they have somewhat unusual morphological forms , which may suggest that they do indeed make some sort of special call on speakers ' capacity for linguistic construction .
3 " My dear great-niece , Sara Monroe , will be surprised and perhaps a little chagrined to find that I have not left Moorlake outright to her as I always promised , but when she has met Matthew Preston she will , I know , understand why I have changed my mind .
4 When I checked up on his progress I was startled to find that he had not only planted up the four pots but his red wellington boots as well , liberally watering both them and himself and then garnishing with sprigs of a semi-dormant fuchsia as a finishing touch .
5 On our way we called on the established church minister , who had been the means of our coming to the Island , and with whom we had special business , and were immensely tickled to find that he had actually fled !
6 If you feel you have done well at an interview and everyone seems to like you it is quite likely to find that you have n't got the part .
7 She was shocked to find that she had completely forgotten how to whistle .
8 She was to find out that something would startle her like this and then quieten down to an apparent normality , only to find that she had really been shaken up into accepting an entirely unnatural situation and adapting it to the flow of her life .
9 Although it may be distressing to the mother to find that she has now to take the child back , nevertheless there is no escape in my judgment from the conclusion that the child 's return should be ordered in this case .
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