Example sentences of "clearly [vb -s] that the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This clearly illustrates that the way you approach practice greatly affects how much you improve , irrespective of talent .
2 ‘ Experience of the last two years clearly shows that the poll tax has caused immense hardship to many people of Middlesbrough . ’
3 Whatever the validity of these arguments , Table 14.4 clearly shows that the share of gross investment in total output and expenditure ( GDP ) in the UK is lower than that of most other major economies .
4 This clearly shows that the article is addressing both kingdoms .
5 P P G two clearly states that the government attaches great importance to greenbelts. and in paragraph twelve , sets out the general presumption against in appropriate development within them .
6 Mr Vaz said the report ‘ very clearly states that the Bank of England acted improperly in the way it conducted supervision of BCCI and puts forward very powerful arguments for compensation . ’
7 While declaring that she is ‘ on neither one side or the other ’ , your correspondent clearly feels that the blame for the conflict and the consequent damage to the school reputation lies firmly with the campaigning parents .
8 I 've been in farm shops up and down England there the shops are very cold , feature tired vegetables and the assistant clearly feels that the punter is an unnecessary interruption .
9 But all these , under the Definition Order , were to be " treated as Soviet Nationals " This clearly indicates that the primary and overriding purpose of the Definition Order was simply to distinguish between the various groups on a formation level .
10 The statement went on to say that UITF 3 ‘ clearly indicates that the goodwill component should be included as part of the profit or loss on disposal , and not distanced from it as a separate item .
11 A plot of T m vs pH clearly demonstrates that the melting temperature of duplex 4 is strongly dependent on pH and the destabilising effect of d 3C A is significantly enhanced as the pH is decreased .
12 The report clearly stresses that the catering industry is more interested in quality than price .
13 On the one hand there have been those who have claimed that , at least in the early days , the campaign was no more than the minority group Moral Re-Armament ( MRA ) by a different name ; on the other there is Mrs Whitehouse herself , who clearly believes that the organisation represents the ‘ silent majority ’ in the country .
14 Thus ( 66 ) implies " He did n't dare oppose his wife 's whims any more than he dared commit high treason " , ( 67 ) that the speaker is of the opinion that they would n't dare say a word against him , and in ( 68 ) the speaker very clearly believes that the addressee does n't have the cheek to look him in the eye and tell such an obvious lie .
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