Example sentences of "over a [num ord] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Over a fifth of the adult population owned shares in late 1988 , contrasted with only 6 per cent in early 1984 .
2 It began to break down by the 1790s when the pressure of a growing population and insufficient work meant that over a fifth of the labour force was virtually permanently unemployed .
3 Both governments claim sovereignty over a fifth of the world 's population , yet have survived as neighbours for 44 years without annihilating each other .
4 Since London was not able to accommodate its own natural increase , it meant that the whole of the 3.5 million population growth had to be found elsewhere — a population increase of well over a third for the area outside London .
5 The implication that they are determined by other factors and of slight consequence occurs again and again ; but Braudel can never bring himself to say it straight out , and indeed undercuts it in the third part of La Méditerranée where , for example , the defeat of Charles V and the Venetians by the Turks in 1538 is said to have had consequences which lasted over a third of a century .
6 In early 1949 , 17 studios were idle , over a third of the film technicians ' union 's members were unemployed and British filmmaking , as a writer in the New Statesman put it , was ‘ facing disaster ’ .
7 About 25,000 people — over a third of the holidaymakers who stayed at the holiday camp this year — had rebooked for next year , he said .
8 Over a third of the banks ' assets are denominated in foreign currencies , and particularly in dollars .
9 By 1932 , when Hitler was running for Reich President and the Nazi Movement was gaining the support of over a third of the population , the ‘ Jewish Question , scarcely featured in Hitler 's public addresses .
10 Table 6.5 reveals a slight contraction in this sector during the 1970s , but nevertheless in 1980 it still represented over a third of the economically active population for the region as a whole .
11 When it was possible to investigate , it was found that over a third of the reactor core had melted , leaving one of the biggest radioactive waste disposal headaches ever known .
12 Over a third of the vote was not convinced that ‘ To deny the right to secede is to help Tsarism and to indulge the Russian muzhik 's nationalism . ’
13 To start with , over a third of the autobiographies have no mention of grandparents at all , or a bare reference .
14 In mid-Cornwall , for example , over a third of the male population has been out of work in recent years .
15 By April 1990 , when over a third of the Scottish populace was avoiding the poll-tax , Alan Rough had his own reasons for fearing a Warrant Sale .
16 Over a third of the ‘ Eminence ’ output is new recordings , so we also have the first appearances on discs of Litton , Hough and Iŝan Edwards .
17 Even more alarming is that over a third of the victims are not directly touching the dog in any way at the time of the attack , according to US studies .
18 While over a third of the world 's financial institutions still treat information technology as an after-thought in their business planning , information technology plays a key role in the increasingly important global networking arena .
19 On May 24th 146 American congressmen , over a third of the House of Representatives , sent a letter urging him ‘ to clearly exercise civilian authority over the armed forces ’ .
20 With over a third of the standing army enrolled in the colonies , the situation became dangerous and Nicholas phased them out .
21 They account for over a third of the western world 's output of mechanical engineering products and should , says the bulletin , maintain this position .
22 The clerical representatives were a formidable number — forty-two diocesan proctors ( two from each diocese ) and twenty-three cathedral proctors ( including Bath as well as Wells , and Coventry as well as Lichfield ) — and with the rest of the clergy they constituted something over a third of the whole parliament .
23 And although regulations stipulate the number of toilets and washbasins in schools , over a third of the schools surveyed did n't come up to scratch because of an inadequate number of toilets .
24 Over a third of the additional stations opened in the London area after 1919 were on Southern Region .
25 Over a third of the 950 sterilised women in a Bangladesh study were unable to resume work for over six weeks after their operation and there are at least 50 deaths a year from the operation in the Punjab in India .
26 Johnson Matthey continued to lead the market , selling over a third of the autocatalysts fitted to new cars sold around the world .
27 Fires were burning over a third of the city .
28 Thirdly , in the study by Meshkinpour over a third of the patients were referred with gastro-oesophageal reflux disease compared with 14.2% in our study , and it was this patient population which yielded the smallest number of positive diagnoses in our experience .
29 In the West Midlands , for instance , over a third of the men whose occupations were noted in the Sedgley parish register during 1579 and 1580 were either nailmakers or some other type of metalworker .
30 In fact , over 80 per cent of the women with hysterical or sociopathic disorders had , as children , lived away from both natural parents at some time , and over a third of the men diagnosed in adulthood as schizophrenic had been taken into care during childhood .
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