Example sentences of "various [noun] of the world " in BNC.

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1 Quite apart from the individual personal considerations relating to the need for an established religion based on genuine ‘ god worship ’ , there are equally important social ones , of great importance to all the various communities of the world .
2 Your valuable work — crowned by the high distinctions and titles awarded you by some prestigious scientific , cultural , and educational institutions from various countries of the world represents , much to the pride of all our people , a greatly important contribution to ensure the flourishing of the national and universal science and culture , as a brilliant example of revolutionary abnegation and deep concern with the cause of Socialist Romania 's flourishing and the cause of all the nation 's progress and civilization .
3 Moscow speculated over Western efforts to draw together new ‘ groupings ’ in various regions of the world such as Southeast Asia , the South Atlantic and the Red Sea .
4 Undoubtedly we are living through a period of considerable political instability , in which there is a complex ‘ crisis of legitimacy ’ ( to use Habermas ' expression ) not only in the capitalist societies but also in the former communist societies of Eastern Europe , and in many countries of the Third World ; but the crisis works itself out through an international system of relationships , and such events as the overthrow of President Allende 's government in Chile , or American and Soviet military intervention in various regions of the world in the postwar period , can not be fully comprehended unless they are seen in the setting of global political conflicts .
5 The evidence for this is the system of kinship terms which Morgan found in various parts of the world .
6 That pleasing equilibrium between man , raffia , mud or whatever , does of course still prevail in various parts of the world .
7 SIR PETER HAYMAN , who has died aged 77 , had an eminent career in the Diplomatic Service , which culminated in his appointment as High Commissioner in Canada from 1970 to 1974 ; but after his retirement , and years of blandly shepherding the press at news conferences in various parts of the world , Hayman fell into dark disgrace and himself became their quarry .
8 With financial help from the British Government , Imperial Airways was established in 1924 , providing a fairly regular service for private passengers , to various parts of the world .
9 ( There were seven of these , whose function was to convey information gained through Ultra to the Allied High Commands in various parts of the world . )
10 Because of the differences between life in various parts of the world , we can not escape the responsibility which accompanies the knowledge that a thoughtless or uncaring attitude in one area may seriously affect those who live in another .
11 Each Monday , current intelligence groups for various parts of the world meet in the Cabinet Office , bringing together line men from all the intelligence-gathering agencies and their customer departments .
12 Much research along these lines is going on in various parts of the world ; the quantum Hall effect is an offshoot that derives from curiosity about the effects of a strong magnetic field applied perpendicular to the plane of the two-dimensional system .
13 As it so happened , emerging civilisation created communities in various parts of the world , spaced at intervals covering long periods of time , each community being unaware of the others , and each developing some form of religion and worship .
14 The elements may have seemed brutal to the documentary makers ( and some had roughed it in various parts of the world ) but to someone like Hannah who had experienced the winters of 1941 and 1962 that November was child 's play .
15 Anthropologists in various parts of the world have found groups of men who have gone to remarkable lengths to modify and improve the sexual equipment with which nature endowed them .
16 It was taken by Madeiran emigrants to various parts of the world , including the Hawaiian islands , where it has become the Hawaiian ukelele .
17 It went on to highlight another 66 reports from various parts of the world of serious reactions to the drug .
18 At that time there were two or three hundred Viscounts flying in various parts of the world , and to have grounded all Viscounts because the wings had come off in flight in this accident would have contributed nothing to air safety .
19 Old boys write in from various parts of the world and say what they 're up to .
20 Similarly , much of what has been called primitive art or ethnic art consists of objects made in that style which manufacturers in various parts of the world have perceived to be demanded of them ( Graburn ed. 1976 ; Williams 1985 ) .
21 Most of the following information was obtained from replies to a letter from the Chairman to more than fifty correspondents in various parts of the world ( see Appendix 2.9 ) .
22 I am worried by the enthusiasm of some of my constituents for the Bengal tiger and rare species in various parts of the world , while tending to disregard animals in our local habitats .
23 Such measures were understood to include the closing of camps in Libya in which groups from various parts of the world were said to receive training .
24 It is true that a substantial body of opinion in various parts of the world would have preferred to see whether relying on sanctions for longer would have brought about Iraq 's withdrawal .
25 Surveys in various parts of the world have revealed that many species of fungi , including mushrooms , are dying out , possibly as a result of acid pollution .
26 Occasional cases of infection of horses with the saprophytic , free-living nematode Micronema deletrix have been described from various parts of the world .
27 This book was published as Studies in English Linguistics : For ( Longman , 1980 , and contained contributions from many eminent scholars in various parts of the world .
28 Is it , can we attribute this sort of thing to the erm areas of drought , the areas of flooding that are occurring in various parts of the world at the moment , and all these sorts of things , and we have branches looking into this .
29 I mean that is really , in a sense , what we 're all about at the International Disaster Institute , is to try and carefully work out what happens to people in various parts of the world .
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