Example sentences of "put the [noun pl] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 I put the papers in the folder and the folder in my bag , then stuffed that under my seat .
2 ‘ Yes , and this time it says ‘ Put the papers in the garden ’ . ’
3 ‘ It comes from East London , and it says ‘ Put the papers in the garden ’ .
4 The Scots had failed to appreciate that the organizational structure of sixteen years earlier was now outmoded , and acute financial problems ensued and put the Games on the verge of bankruptcy , facing cancellation with the total humiliation that would mean for Scotland and Britain .
5 I put the , put the Resolutions to the vote .
6 I put the dishes inside the tent and was half-way to following them when Mick asked , ‘ Want some spaghetti bolognese , Geoff ? ’
7 And then put the ropes round the pulley and pulled down the hill instead of pulling up .
8 It 's like dad hiring a car come home here and put the keys on the mantel piece
9 11.45am : Put the potatoes in the oven .
10 Put the potatoes in the bottom
11 Put the instructions at the top .
12 Put the leaves in the pot of water in the cage , taking care to plug the pot with cotton-wool , as described above .
13 Not to mention the danger you put the members of the Mountain Rescue team in by expecting them to stagger about in the snow with sticks when they should be back home with their slippers on watching McGregor 's Scotland .
14 They put the claims of the Law first .
15 Wait ! ’ he laughed as he pushed past her into the kitchen and put the bags on the table .
16 You ca n't have a computer put the eggs in the pans because it 's got to be it 's got to be done manually by a worker .
17 Mix all the other ingredients to make a marinade and put the kebabs into the marinade for about 40 minutes .
18 If however we put the bikes on the car , the return journey to Dunblane will cost us about £5 in petrol , plus say 50p. to cover other marginal costs .
19 What you do on that first page of the month , is you put those that , that page that says to be done in January ninety four , or whatever , erm , you put the notes on the back of the calendar card in priority order and add any other formal targets you 've got .
20 The tax authorities insisted they put the women on the payroll .
21 So , for instance , had you wanted an ad in this issue , we would need to have received your call by 25th August , since that would have given us time to process the ads and put the pages through the system .
22 Put the pens in the box .
23 We had first hung the avant-garde pictures in our main room , but as the man in charge of our building , and a local policeman , sometimes called on us , my wife and I decided to hang the pictures in the bedroom and put the icons in the living room .
24 Put the tomatoes on the potato base , then the onion and mushrooms .
25 Well you know everything can be made and if it 's cold you just put the boxes in the fridge and if it 's hot you just put it in and seal it up .
26 The Transport Act 1962 abolished this Commission and put the railways under the control of the British Railways Board .
27 Put the clothes on the scarecrow .
28 There were several reasons : most immediate , perhaps , was the need for uninterrupted production as war orders from Europe mounted ; secondly , the large size of the corporations and the new degree of union strength made it difficult to recruit the many thousands of strikebreakers for full-scale industrial warfare ; third , government pressures put the corporations on the defensive ; and finally , the entry of the United States into the war created a need for national unity .
29 It was n't a case of being fed up with golf , I just get really tired so I put the clubs in the bag and forget them . ’
30 Put the buns on the far tables ! ’ called Maisie .
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