Example sentences of "recent [noun] [vb base] [vb pp] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Recent investigations have indicated pesticides could be the cause after an ‘ epidemic ’ of sufferers were found in rural Lincolnshire and South Wales .
2 The majority in recent times have favoured approaches with a sign language or fingerspelling element , though there have been studies to support written language as a most effective communication ( White and Stevenson , 1975 ) .
3 With respect to the Anns test , there has been a growing reluctance to apply it , and , as noted above , recent cases have cast doubt on its validity .
4 Recent performances have included Haydn 's Creation , Mozart C minor mass , Kodaly Missa Brevis and the Bach Motets Singet dem Herrn and Jesu Meine Freude .
5 There is some doubt about Droitwich , where recent excavations have uncovered buildings of a large establishment which is probably part of the salt-extraction industry .
6 The public conflicts of recent years have involved confrontations between different political ideologies : the resistance from the Clay Cross Urban District to the Conservative Housing Finance Act ; the rejection by Merthyr County Borough of the Conservatives ' withdrawal of free milk for schoolchildren ; the resistance of a number of Conservative education authorities to the Labour commitment to the introduction of comprehensive secondary education ; the resistance of Labour local authorities to the Conservative government 's legislation on the sale of council houses ; and the forms of creative accounting developed in the mid-1980s by some local authorities to evade expenditure restraints .
7 On the one hand there have been reports suggesting that the vaccine can cause brain damage , albeit in a tiny minority of children and , on the other , the whooping cough epidemics in recent years have re-awakened fears of the damage the disease itself can inflict .
8 Recent years have made teachers familiar with this strategy , and with the costs that are associated with it , especially when one is trying to negotiate with a fairly implacable demander .
9 Technological advances over recent years have made script input systems more viable , and the improvements in script recognition are greater than the equivalent for speech .
10 Recent commissions have included design influences from traditional Victorian to geometric Art Deco to Mackintosh in a wide variety of hardwoods .
11 Recent topics have included updates on how European countries are handling the environmental labelling issue and proposals for a comprehensive EC labelling system .
12 Long regarded as the pendant to ‘ Chien courant ’ at the Norton Simon Foundation , recent studies have suggested Tajan 's picture to be later ( est .
13 Several more recent studies have provided support for Piaget 's argument ( Bebout et al . ,
14 In the course of trying to identify therapeutic agents for this disease two recent studies have shown benefit with bismuth preparations .
15 Some recent studies have drawn attention to these common material circumstances .
16 Recent surveys have drawn attention to the importance of talking and listening both in obtaining employment and in performing well in it .
17 In Germany , recent surveys have shown 75% support for the war .
18 Recent customers have included Syria and Iran ( for weapons and nuclear technology ) , North Korea , Myanmar and Thailand .
19 More recent developments have led observers to question the inevitability of this trend .
20 Increasing levels of unemployment in the recent past have revived concern over the possible relationship between unemployment and ill-health .
21 Prestige Stamp Books — Recent issues have celebrated London Life , The Scots Connection and Agatha Christie .
22 Recent Censuses have included questions about the birthplace of members of the household , but attempts to introduce an ‘ ethnic question ’ , to find out the size of the ethnic minorities resident in this country , have so far been unsuccessful .
23 as if to reinforce the industry 's optimism , several recent reports have endorsed gas 's future .
24 Two recent reports have described colour specific impairments following prestriate damage in monkeys ( Wild , Butler , Carden , and Kulikowski 1985 ) and humans ( Heywood and Cowey 1985 ) .
25 Recent records have shown Siskins and Reed Buntings moving into towns to use the same food source in winter , and Blackcaps are regular in winter in some towns .
26 Recent parts have included Helena in A Midsummer Night 's Dream and the title rôle in Euripides ' Electra .
27 In this field as in others physical geographers are only one group of contributors to research but recent endeavours have included field measurement of soil water and relationship between condition of the environment including soil water status and plant growth , and it is suggested that the impact of atmospheric pollution on crop growth and yields in advanced industrial countries is an area of research where physical geographers could make a significant contribution .
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