Example sentences of "situation in [pron] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In this context My Secret Life , with its vivid anecdotes describing sexual liaisons between masters and servant girls , offers an insight into the situation in which the opportunity for temptation , seduction and rape was often pervasive .
2 This way the buyer need not fear a situation in which the supplier will run out of essential stock , and the supplier can plan on the long term to optimise his conditions of supply .
3 Recession , in making people unemployed , weakens worker organisations and limits the utility of the strike weapon ( the only real weapon of labour ) because labour is reluctant to come out in a situation in which the hold on a job is precarious .
4 As the hours went past , senior army commanders and others persuaded Whitehall that the step would make the region ungovernable and create a situation in which the government would be soundly worsted .
5 The current situation in which the government , through party discipline , is able to control the House of Commons and absorb its powers unto itself is regarded as undesirable .
6 We will not tolerate a situation in which the Government are treated like a county council and a county council treated like the Government .
7 If the modern manic individual is uninhibited in the state of mania because , as Rado suggests , he has regressed to a state of psychic organization that existed in him at his mother 's breast and definitely before his superego formed , then we can see that the reason why the divine kings of early agricultural societies could be described as ‘ manic ’ lie in exactly similar conditions : a situation in which the ego is not constrained by the superego because their collective equivalents — primal father and mother on the one side , and the son on the the other — have become one in the person of the monarch ( who , in this respect , is decidedly and accurately described as an incarnation of the trinity ) .
8 What , Freud would regard that as a situation in which the ego had surrendered to the id and said okay eat the cake .
9 The American writer Leslie Farber has a great deal to say about ‘ the life of suicide ’ , which he insists , ‘ must not be seen as the situation or state of mind which leads to the act , but that situation in which the act-as-possibility , quite apart from whether it eventually occurs or not , has a life of its own . ’
10 And what you 're saying is that if you get to sufficiently low temperatures , you get a situation in which the resistance in the metal drops to zero .
11 The activity obtained at an intermediate ionic strength ( 70 mM ammonium sulphate ) was about 80% of that observed at the lowest concentration used ( 20 mM ) , a situation in which the activity of P A2b in linear templates was of about 10% if the initiating NTPs were present or even lower in their absence .
12 Again , a situation in which the animal detects that there is danger , or suspects that there might be danger , is something which we need to take account of in considering the welfare of animals .
13 We are to imagine a situation in which the State provides all the services it currently provides , let us say roads and a sewerage system , free education and a free health service , social security and unemployment benefits and the like .
14 The case for setting out financial implications is obvious in a situation in which the school budget is controlled by the governors .
15 The focus on the addresser , for instance a speaker or an author , constitutes the emotive function , that of expressing the addresser 's attitudes or feelings ; the focus on the addressee or receiver , the conative function , that of influencing the feelings or attitudes of the addressee ; the focus on the context , the real , external situation in which the message occurs , the referential function ; the focus on the code , as when a message elucidates a point of grammar , the metalingual function ; the focus on the means of contact , as in the case , say , of expressions inserted by one party into a telephone conversation simply in order to reassure the other party that they are both still on the line , the phatic function ; the focus on the message itself , the poetic function .
16 Thus by the beginning of 1797 , discounting contributed to a situation in which the adding of £200,000,000 to the debt secured an effective loan of only £108,000,000 .
17 Another situation in which the total of bankers ' deposits will change arises as a result of transactions between the government and the private sector .
18 In a situation in which the Crown can only act on the advice of her ministers and where the Lords have been stripped of powers , the Commons is the pre-eminent part of Parliament .
19 There was until recently one situation in which the Monarch might be called upon to exercise a degree of discretion but even this has now in practice been removed as the result of party political developments that took place between 1957 and 1965 …
20 Speakers , or writers , do have the option of transferring the deictic centre to the hearer 's , or reader 's , spatio-temporal situation in which the text will be encountered .
21 This should be contrasted with the situation in which the patient instructs the doctor to refrain from further treatment .
22 The doctors are then faced with a situation in which the patient has made no decision and , he by then being unable to decide for himself , they have both the right and the duty to treat him in accordance with what in the exercise of their clinical judgment they consider to be his best interests .
23 By contrast , the Corinthians passage in which Paul speaks of male headship , and in which it is said that women should be silent ( a verse which is probably an interpolation and does not owe to Paul ) , he is concerned with a practical situation which has arisen , a situation in which the church , still insecure in a pagan world , was likely to cause scandal if it departed too far from social convention — and his concern is that it should not unnecessarily put itself in jeopardy .
24 The fact that face-to-face communication is usually considered as basic for the purposes of deictic reference , does not imply , however , that the deictic context relevant to ordinary conversation is invariably and straightforwardly identified with the immediate situation in which the interaction takes place : In 1 it is the speaker 's physical location within a restricted spatial setting ( e.g. a room , a square , etc ) that is relevant to the disambiguation of the place deictic " here " , whereas in 2 the reference of the same adverb falls within a much wider context ( a whole country ) , and the spatial deictic centre includes the hearer as well as the speaker .
25 It is simply the case that the heroin use of the male partner places her in a situation in which the drug is not only readily available , but its use is also seen as socially acceptable .
26 The act itself grew out of uneasy tensions and alliances between middle-class and working-class reformers and the entrenched aristocratic interest , in a situation in which the tie-up between class interests and politics was anything but neat , simple and easy to unravel .
27 It 's hard to see er er a situation in which the kind of young men that we routinely produce in this country er are not gon na be interested in some kind of group aggressive violent activities .
28 More data were required but the availability of quantitative data in atmospheric , hydrological and coastal processes , for example , together with the collection of information associated with national mapping programmes such as those for soil survey , produced a situation in which the need for further process studies was highly desirable .
29 For example , one might face a situation in which the fact that water more readily gave the desired values of the governing parameters ( its lower kinematic viscosity is often advantageous in this respect ) had to be set against the practical difficulties of containing it in an arrangement with movable probes .
30 I limit my inquiry further by not considering the situation in which the doctor exceeds the norm of accepted treatment — for example , where his treatment borders on experimentation , where other considerations apply .
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