Example sentences of "take [prep] [noun sg] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The number of hotel-based leisure complexes that do not take into consideration the operation of a facility at the same time as its aesthetics are plain for all to see .
2 We shall take into consideration the possibility that it might happen , but it would be dreadful if it did . "
3 The court must take into consideration the whole of the lease and the purposes for which it was granted , and then see what is the proper construction of a particular covenant ( Bickmore v Dimmer [ 1903 ] 1 Ch 158 ) .
4 The local historian who is trying to build up a picture of the social and economic structure of his own parish must always take into consideration the extent of the common and the value of the rights over it .
5 The court must take into consideration the nature of the testator 's property , the pecuniary position of the dependant , his or her conduct to the testator , and any other relevant circumstance , and the testator 's reasons for the dispositions made by him in his will .
6 The bill was passed by the National Assembly at its second reading on June 21 , but on June 28 the Senate voted to reject the version of the bill approved by the National Assembly on the grounds that it did not take into consideration the Senate 's amendments .
7 He does not take into consideration the fact that they are killing , or trying to kill an living being .
8 Now when you do this sort of assessment do you take into consideration the amount of money I have to pay to go and stay a night at a place like this ?
9 In these circumstances the solicitor must decide whether the child has a sufficient degree of understanding but must take into account the guardian 's views on the subject .
10 In deciding whether these tests are satisfied the judge must look not just at the prosecution 's case , but must take into account the likelihood of the newspaper successfully raising a defence .
11 Any future marketing and promotional strategies must take into account the desirability of increasing the number of new visitors , particularly tourists , by promoting RBG effectively to tourists in Edinburgh , outside Edinburgh and overseas .
12 This perspective focuses on the income differences within each distribution separately , but does not take into account the reordering of people 's positions in the distribution that takes place in going from one to another .
13 Nor does this expression take into account the elements of Buddhist , Taoist , Hindu and even Christian imagery found at the heart of many rug designs .
14 I suggest that the discrepancy between the climate modelling results which indicate seasonal temperature extremes , and the increasing body of geological information documenting a temperate climate , may be explained by the fact that the palaeogeography used in the models does not take into account the existence of these lakes and rivers , which would have had a major influence on the regional climate .
15 So one must take into account the effects of one 's actions on the satisfaction or dissatisfaction of the desires of all those affected , along the lines of preference utilitarianism .
16 The Government can encourage firms to train more , but for the Government to impose taxes on companies to insist that they train more does not take into account the effects , demands and needs of different industries .
17 The study will also take into account the effects of aging , which may contribute to a decline in knowledge retention over a long period .
18 Its main criticism is that they do not take into account the effects of the war on the region 's ecosystem .
19 The figures do not take into account the stress which may be caused by the competitive element involved ; they relate simply to the physical benefits . )
20 We will take into account the size of grounds when setting safety standards .
21 Well in fact we we do answer that point in our submissions that in fact it does take in Our three year average does take into account the tail end of the boom .
22 Suffering is used in this sense in s1 of the Administration of Justice Act 1982 which provides that where a plaintiff 's expectation of life has been reduced the court in awarding damages for pain and suffering shall take into account the suffering caused or likely to be caused by awareness that his expectation of life has been so reduced .
23 The court should take into account the views of all parties including the child before making a direction .
24 The approach to leadership purely in terms of individual characteristics is also deficient in that it does not take into account the relationship between the leader and the followers .
25 But this does n't take into account the capital equipment you need if you 're to be self-sufficient .
26 Council has been insistent that as this strategic study of the profession moves to the advanced planning stage , it should take into account the public as well as the private sector , the small practitioner as well as the large .
27 Hence , any adequate analysis must take into account the intersection of capitalist , patriarchal and racist structures in order to understand gender relations in contemporary British society .
28 In considering applications for planning permission , planning authorities will take into account the provisions of the development plan .
29 Finally , in considering Reagan 's personal contribution to the triumphs of his first term , we must obviously take into account the consequences of his appearances on television .
30 It is not easy to achieve this effect if they do not take into account the dimension and spacing of the steps as well as their particular quality , which must be in tune with the music if it is to make sense .
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