Example sentences of "office [pron] [verb] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I said : ‘ You know as I drove along Princes Street to pick you up from the office I had a feeling I left something behind .
2 Well because I was in the office I got a pound a week , you see , and the , do you know the Manageress there who , she was the Manageress then sorry , I 've got a photograph and she said that when she was Manageress at Colchester and she only got fifteen shillings a week
3 I and the girls , that 's , that 's all they got fifteen shillings because I was in the office I got a pound and mind you we slept in , we had all our food , you see , and we had to all sleep in .
4 We have another in erm on Thompson 's Directory , we said we were asked if we would like a mention there , and that has been put in hand , with at the moment the Chairman 's name and address and telephone number , but when we get our office I 've no doubt we can change that because we 'll have a rota for the office and probably just morning hours and that can go in another copy .
5 During my year in office I want every solicitor to reflect on how his or her work serves the community and consider whether there is anything more they may wish to do in their practices , their local communities or their home lives which would widen their contribution . ’
6 A third building included a single-storey office which incorporated a design studio and dark room for the first time and enabled Laura to organize her print and pattern research .
7 He was now made chief steward of the duchy of Lancaster in the north , an office which passed the duchy seal on 4 July , but which must have originated earlier since Gloucester was acting as steward early in June .
8 He was now made chief steward of the duchy of Lancaster in the north , an office which passed the duchy seal on 4 July , but which must have originated earlier since Gloucester was acting as steward early in June .
9 One can hardly say the same about the Post Office which busts a gut licking the boots of its business users at the same time as it cuts the quality of service to residential customers .
10 Just prior to the 1985 Helsinki conference , the DoE was once again making some progress and , at the final meeting , it was the Foreign Office which enjoyed the casting vote .
11 An approach more suited to the present day is advocated by the UK Energy Efficiency Office which promotes the view that greater efficiency in energy use can play a major rôle is raising industry 's profitability .
12 The major class of adjectives which fall under this heading is again that of the associatives discussed in Chapter 2 , and as we have already noted these do not appear postnominally ( thus we also have a positive answer to the third question , though there is quite a lot more to add , see Section 3.10 ) : ( 38 ) Two scientists nuclear have joined the staff a hatmaker royal lives in our village ( The Hatmaker Royal , if one existed , would of course , like the Princess Royal , be the holder of an office which has a name calqued on the French once spoken by the English aristocracy , and not one based on the patterns of current English . )
13 This will be the district office which covers the hospital which may not be the same office as for the place of residence .
14 As a result of these anti-avoidance provisions , the foreign business carve-out is excluded , and the general COB Rules apply in relation to the customer concerned , where : ( 1 ) A UK office executes a transaction with or for a UK private customer on the instructions of a non-UK office ; or ( 2 ) A UK office gives investment advice in relation to any transaction to a non-UK office , which the non-UK office passes on to ( or uses for the benefit of ) a UK private customer if ( in either case ) : ( a ) the UK office itself transmitted the order to a non-UK office of the firm ( even if a different one from that instructing it ) ; ( b ) the UK office has itself advised the customer in relation to the transaction concerned ( and the customer has then directly or indirectly given the order to the non-UK office which deals through the UK office ) ; or ( c ) the UK office has advised the customer to deal through or seek advice from a non-UK office of the firm ( even if the relevant prescribed disclosure was made ) .
15 He hugged Mr Trollope and shook hands with officers from the Serious Fraud Office who undertook the investigation against him .
16 For the local parties this increased the urgency of changing the local structures and settling candidates ; for Central Office it meant the negotiation of a pact with the Coalition Liberals and the NDP , the arrangements of a joint platform .
17 In his office he had a blackboard , on which he transcribed diagrammatic models of the action , with letters of the ordinary alphabet for characters already invented and letters of the Greek alphabet for those whom he might need to invent ; he was contemplating a further six months of composition .
18 Outside the post office he made no apology for the roughness of his appearance but he was as friendly and charming as he had always been .
19 Branson had never heard of Julien Clerc , but once out of the office he scribbled the name on his hand .
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