Example sentences of "so i [verb] [adv prt] the " in BNC.

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1 The birds had told me Diggs had left a few minutes earlier , so I ran back the quick way to the house , where the lights all burned as usual .
2 Cawthorne had disappeared around the northern end of the farmhouse , so I ran back the way I had come , around the south end and climbed the fence back into the hop field .
3 It was too cold and windy to sit and wait , though , so I limped back the way I had come , embittered at having to walk unnecessarily .
4 Back at the tent it is getting late , so I set up the Trangia and cook myself a meal .
5 The lump is not ready to answer , so I turn up the pressure : ‘ He ai n't gon na say nothing .
6 Big men do n't cry so the saying goes , so I hold back the tears — but they 're there none the less .
7 I did n't offer an opinion on that since I did n't have any , so I took up the time admiring the surroundings .
8 He wanted someone to help him with his horses , so I took on the job .
9 Back in the bathroom , so I turns down the bed , and goes . ’
10 I could really do with a bit of a sit down and summat to drink , so I go down the driveway into the station .
11 Then I remembered the location of a luxurious caravan a relative has near Perpignan , so I looked up the guide , and found that there are a number of crags nearby — even better .
12 No one follows , so I come out the other end and nip round the small block .
13 I felt that the design for this holiday picture should be a natural and less structured design than normal , so I laid out the pressed stems of eucalyptus which naturally fell into a fan shape and used that as the basis of my design .
14 There 's a woman just up the road so I hop off the wall and run after her .
15 I took off the yellow waistcoat with its white lining and hung it on a hanger , and I took off my shoes , but rather like George I still felt myself to be on duty , so I switched off the light and lay on top of the bedclothes watching the black Canadian land slide by , while the free northern show went on above for hours in the sky .
16 When Nicklaus did finally track me down he told me the bag was still mine if I wanted it , but I told him I 'd already committed myself , so I gave up the chance .
17 While it was charming I was not at all happy there so I gave up the grandiose life and moved over to the Peel Street YMCA .
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