Example sentences of "so i [verb] [v-ing] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 That evening , after supper , I was too tired to write up notes , so I lay thinking over the day in order to make it easier to write them up in the morning .
2 Anyway , so I began sorting through the trunk .
3 I could n't make out what was going on so I began walking towards the image , binoculars pressed to my eyes .
4 You do n't get anything on this scale without communication lines , so I started looking for them . ’
5 The shop lady had a friend in the next county who chose Royal blue for her cardigans , so I started knitting for her , posting the garments and charging up the postage .
6 A few fry were managing short glides over the substrate , so I started feeding with Liquifry 1 .
7 So I started thinking about alternative ways to earn a living .
8 I knew I would be alone all my life so I started preparing for it as soon as possible .
9 ‘ I could see what he was thinking , so I started talking about love , how it means different things to different people , and that 's when he said it . ’
10 This has no immediate effect , so I start counting at ‘ three , four . ’
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