Example sentences of "so [pron] [verb] [pron] [det] " in BNC.

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1 We have to say the English one and I hate saying da-da-da so I make my own one , an Indian prayer and say it .
2 Not all mine did , so I left them all as thick as possible and matched the thick with the thin later .
3 Well , I was there , behind the bar , standing in for Marcus , for a few minutes he said , more like two hours , so I saw it all develop .
4 The fish was still on , and I had the golf-ball firmly clutched in my left hand , so I landed them both .
5 Ellen had gone to her one-room apartment in town while Thessy was reading his Bible in the main-cabin , so I heated myself some baked beans in Wavebreaker 's microwave , spread them on buttered toast , soaked them in brown sauce , then ate a morose supper on deck until the bugs drove me to the screened sanctuary of the staterooms below .
6 None of them applied to me , so I deleted them all and put ‘ Ms ’ .
7 However , they were also quite pricey , as they could well afford to be , so I designed my own after a first disaster with one of the Ken Smith ledger rods .
8 ‘ I was surprised to hear that he was married but I wanted a change of surroundings so I packed my few belongings and went with him there and then .
9 ‘ Apparently , her cat had very bad plaque on its teeth and she was really concerned , so I gave her some advice and Amy has been in touch ever since .
10 Maui claimed to lose it , so she offered him each of her fingers and toes , one by one , until she realised she had been tricked .
11 oh , oh dear oh She said that one , one lady did a lot of recording and then played it back and listened to herself and did n't like her own voice so she wiped it all off and handed it in .
12 It sort of doubled up , or summat like that , so she crossed them all out and changed them .
13 No , so she told me that
14 from Pilkingtons and there 's little , she said you would n't notice it but there 's little like , little things on and when he did the grouting yesterday she said that she said it was awful , she did n't like it at all so she told him this morning
15 As her creation grew in strength , so she felt her own on the rise .
16 … she call us in to do 'er dirty work for her , build 'er up , she wants us out again 'cos she see that we 're gettin' education and we 're gettin' brainy , and we 're comin' into power so she wants us all out before we reach too high .
17 Aye , she were washing them or summat and he were annoying her so she threw them all .
18 Erm it 's tha then getting towards and she 's gone down and done the horses he sh he said it 's then getting to Harriet 's bed time so she baths her all sorts her out and he said well she does work hard , he said and by the end of that she she wo n't be able to do anything else !
19 So it should n't be that much of a problem but I do recommend erm this weekend , amongst the many other things , to look at the C C Q , or at some time before you go out in the big wide world and do it for real , to look at the C C Q and pull it apart so you know what each box is actually for .
20 She needed to know that you loved her ; so you told her all about the new drugs she could get from the Arcturans , or the huge advances in radiation treatment since rho mesons had been discovered .
21 Er so you put your own stamp on
22 She just made up so you give her some money !
23 What happened was that we began to do all kinds of things that are normally done to support a tour that you farm out , but we used to do it in-house , so we had our own publicity department , our own travel department — we booked our own flights and our own hotels , we did n't use a travel agency .
24 When we originally talked to Barry about it , we already knew that the Prime Minister would be guest that night , so we told him all about it , and he had this great idea .
25 Clearance came at 10 am which made it difficult to get to Bangkok before dark , so we carried our own fuel to make sure we could continue from Rangoon .
26 In that faraway Bengali town there were no European shops , certainly no bookshops ; we had books , but few , so we wrote our own .
27 There was no need for free milk like other school children received , because most of us came from farms with cows , so we brought our own .
28 The local musicians who had been brought in to entertain us were not allowed to perform in the guest-house , so we provided our own ( less professional ) entertainment by singing and reciting poetry .
29 She came out and said he was definitely still in one piece but probably had cramp or pins and needles so we gave him some painkiller .
30 Right Tony 's come here and he 's gon na tape recorder everything that 's says , that is said , your voice , my voice , so we want it all nice and properly done because er they 're all gon na make a special project out of it , reference to spoken word and the written word so you must ask your questions nice and clearly , yeah ?
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