Example sentences of "am [adv] [adj] that i " in BNC.

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1 I am acutely conscious that I have been a source of aggravation to Pa recently over my stupid allergy to vegetables ; it can not be pleasant to see the products one has slaved over summer and winter being regurgitated on to the dinner plate of one 's elder child .
2 ‘ I am so sorry that I caused you such grief by acting as I did , by going off without telling anyone .
3 When I am so self-centred that I would not dream of asking the Spirit for his strength , preferring to go my own way , I am encouraged to recall that ‘ God is at work in you both to will and to work for his good pleasure ’ ( Phil .
4 As English Captain I am obviously delighted that I will have access one more time to the cream of the young talent who will turn pro in 1992 and in the future .
5 I am already aware that I am beginning myself to use the acceptable university jargon that saturates the material that is presented within these diploma courses .
6 In his Chicago lectures , for example , he described how certain passages of Notes toward the Definition of Culture had been exposed as a " mass of contradictions " and , at the end , he also made a rueful disclaimer — " I am quite aware that I have been trying to persuade , although I may not be quite sure of what " .
7 I am quite clear that I shall have to go into the evidence very carefully when the police report is available to me .
8 Foster said : ‘ It 's a surprise because I am fully aware that I have not taken many wickets , although I also feel I have been bowling well .
9 At the time of Chamberlain 's appointment he had written to his mother : ‘ I am pretty certain that I shall be left where I am which is what I wanted , for the only promotion I should care about would be the Exchequer itself which would never be given to a minister of only two years ' experience .
10 I am very proud that I was the highest scorer for Darlington for many years .
11 I am very sorry that I will not be able to attend the concert at which my hon. Friend will be singing .
12 I 'm very sorry that as soon as I have finished this welcome this morning that I have got to leave you , and I am very sorry that I shall not be able to return this evening for your dinner which I would originally look forward very much to but I trust that you will enjoy the company of the Chairman of our Environmental Services Committee , Councillor Robin Draga , who is attending on my behalf .
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