Example sentences of "making it [adj] [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 On 12 August 1746 the Disarming Act became law , making it illegal for anyone in the Highlands to own or carry specified types of weapon , including broadswords , or to wear Highland costume .
2 Isabel found her eyes clinging to him , his height making it easy for her to watch his approach .
3 ‘ I 'll tell you what , ’ he suggested softly , as if he might be making it easy for her , although she could n't imagine why he should .
4 And then the minute he wants something — which is only ever one thing — you 're all over him , making it easy for him and when he 's got what he want he says ‘ Thank you very much .
5 She was n't making it easy for him to rescue her .
6 With close colleagues there is more chance of explaining the best way of ‘ making it easy for them ’ , of getting them on your side as allies .
7 I understand that the electronic intarsia carriage selects the needles for only one colour at a time to the intarsia position , making it easy for you to lay in the appropriate colour .
8 Thus could the very first and important step in the rise of god-worship have been initiated , by making it unnecessary for there to be an actual physical connection between the objects of faith and the believer .
9 This had introduced them to mechanisms which suggested a terminology applicable to their own science making it possible for them at last to give the behaviourists , who had been giving those not of their ilk a hard time , some of their own medicine .
10 The chemical agent which they contain , making it possible for them to use water in the photosynthetic process , is chlorophyll , which is also possessed by true algae and the higher plants .
11 Carter , on the other hand , not only had big majorities , but was a centrist ideologically — a self-proclaimed fiscal conservative who was also a liberal on civil rights , the environment and education , making it possible for him to straddle the historical division in the Democratic party .
12 They succeeded , thus making it possible for me to make predictions which could afterwards be verified .
13 in making it possible for me to do part-time research .
14 The most important factor in ‘ free stretching ’ is that you know when it hurts and how far you can go , making it possible for you to immediately release the stretch should you need to .
15 By a process of ‘ abstraction ’ , moreover , it was possible for these general notions to be ‘ impressed ’ on our minds or intellects , thus making it possible for us to think in terms of them .
16 ‘ Exercise is good for it , ’ he said , the familiarity of the Butts lost in the fog and making it necessary for him to still proceed carefully .
17 He hated her for making it impossible for him to bring women home .
18 Dumbly she shook her head , the threatened tears making it impossible for her to speak .
19 His face was set , making it impossible for her to guess what was going on in his mind .
20 Her knees were trembling again , but he held her pressed hard against him , both her arms locked behind her back , making it impossible for her to get away .
21 This approach therefore builds a ceiling over the heads of those on low incomes , making it impossible for them to break free .
22 On food safety , my hon. Friend will be aware of the crippling effect of veterinary inspection charges on chicken-producing companies such as John Rannoch and Sovereign Chicken in my constituency , which are making it impossible for them to compete with their European counterparts .
23 His left Achilles tendon became badly shortened , making it difficult for him to put his foot to the floor , and he had a strong positive supporting reaction in his foot .
24 The rain had almost stopped , but various projections over the pavement in Fleet Street dripped on Dyson as he passed , wetting the lenses of his spectacles and making it difficult for him to see where he was going .
25 We 're not pressing teams and making it difficult for them , which has previously been the basis of our success .
26 The welfare state therefore acts as a ceiling over the heads of those on low incomes , making it difficult for them to move up through their own efforts .
27 Clare 's solicitor explained to her that men often forced their wives to return by refusing to grant a divorce and making it difficult for them to obtain money — even when it was awarded by a court .
28 Now again if you take a good look round the retired people in town there is , you just sit down on one of those benches in town and watch people for a bit , and you 'll see that a lot of them are deteriorating physically and that is making them , making it difficult for them to get about socially , shopping- wise and so on .
29 Their captain 's making it difficult for them on the blower
30 The guns firing from the direction of the River Orne were making it difficult for me to hear what Taff was now saying .
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