Example sentences of "sort of [noun sg] and [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Vital patterns become distorted and lost in the sort of fragmentation and change with which Eliot 's textual studies in a battery of languages and his reading of works like Cornford 's had made him particularly familiar .
2 I 'll cook curry or lasagne but I never knew , I never knew the recipes I just sort of stuff and think that goes together well
3 and just the , the part here , I mean this , this I do n't know if it 's right or if it 's wrong but when you said I wan na put twenty quid towards my children 's future perhaps the way I would see is I , I would think twenty quid 'll go nowhere for their future , it 's gon na be a lot more expensive so as you 're openly offering me to take the money off you for that I would have perhaps gone down to try and commit you towards that need there and then to see how important it is and then , because when I er eventually bring back erm the sort of agenda and say look it 's gon na cost you a hundred and twenty quid a month erm you 're sort of sold on the idea .
4 ‘ It began as a sort of rest-station and leave resort , as seasonal and artificial as a seaside fun-fair .
5 He went to Italy on his own and eventually made himself pick up a girl in Rome , mostly for the sake of having someone to speak his new Italian to , but she thought his intense shyness some sort of perversion and kicked him out .
6 He kissed his fingers in a flamboyant sort of way and swept off , his quiff bobbing above the heads of the other guests like a small ship on a turbulent sea .
7 Erm the next session is rather hard work for you cos it 's very much sort of listening and absorbing a hell of a lot of facts , but I trust you will bear with me .
8 Jill made a sick sort of noise and went out to the lavatory .
9 ‘ There are a small number of people who have the sort of brain and understanding necessary . ’
10 This is especially evident when there is more than one sergeant and there happens to be a clash of personality and leadership style between them , although senior managers within the station are sensitive to this sort of problem and switch sergeants about when it occurs .
11 Nearly all of us had had the same sort of education and shared a common social background .
12 ‘ I realised then there was nowhere in Ireland offering this sort of treatment and decided to do something about it , ’ said the businessman who commutes between Northern Ireland and Hong Kong .
13 The biggest of beetles , the hercules , reaches the same sort of size and weighs as much as 100 grams .
14 The main problem with MI6 at the time was that all the senior people were amateurs who had joined MI6 only because they had gone to the right school , wore the right sort of tie and dined at the right clubs .
15 Dad , the , well erm , were doing about things about light and we 've got this black piece of paper , cutting out a shape sort of candle and cutting , erm colouring paper underneath so that we can put them on the windows at .
16 If you do this sort of calculation and compare mice and monkeys you find that monkeys have much more brain than would a mouse of equivalent size ( Russell 1978 ) .
17 Officials say that this is a sensible sort of calculation and exercise that should properly take place at this stage in the fiscal year .
18 We had been childhood friends , not from deep affection , or even from admiration , but because we were the same sort of person and trusted one another .
19 On the front page was a story about an old man who had lain dead in his council flat for eighteen months until Gas Board workers had discovered him , a blurred photograph of some local women who were going somewhere in a body to protest about something and a larger picture of a council dignitary opening some sort of centre and looking pleased with himself .
20 you would tend to raise your foot off the brake sort of jump and take your foot off the brake and you 'd go forward and hit the car in front .
21 I know that local playgroups find them useful , certainly for skittles and as cone and ball games , but I though maybe if they were filled with some sort of plaster and decorated , they would make good door stops .
22 If the C M I does n't lead to this kind of balance then it can have this sort of effect and get rapidly fatal tuberculosis occurring at the time of the primary infection .
23 You do n't have to remember any words or facts or anything difficult like that — you just go off in a sort of coma and think how wonderful you are .
24 Spruce consulted his list , failing to make any sort of connection and asked , not for the first time in the enquiry , ‘ Which Yaxlee would that be ? ’
25 Many were quickly dealt with , just a ‘ Thank you so much ’ , but others seemed to regard me as some sort of authority and requested : ‘ Further details , please .
26 essay , and what 's more , using the same sort of language and form that have been handed down by mainly male-dominated art historians ?
27 As Maggie became more settled , and ate and slept better , Phoebe 's own health and energy returned , and with it a determination to get some sort of job and pay for her own keep .
28 On the first tee yesterday Daly made some sort of remark and smiled .
29 He was that sort of chap and failed to return .
30 If Susanna Jennens had encouraged her to read and write at Weston Hall , Leapor could not really expect the same sort of understanding and support from another employer .
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