Example sentences of "sort [prep] [noun sg] [is] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 What sort of stuff is in there ?
2 For London readers , Shoreditch offers the following gatecrashers ' guide to election night ( assuming that some sort of celebration is in order ) .
3 The fact that a particular sort of rationality is of our very essence explains why rational thinking can lead us to ethical self control .
4 This fiction has various names : ‘ private eye fiction ’ , ‘ hardboiled fiction ’ which is a way of describing its style , and erm I have been interested in this for some time , partly trying to assess the reasons why such fiction occurred in America as a complete breakaway from the old kind of detective fiction which we all know about , the country house murder , why erm the figure of the private detective becomes so important in this kind of fiction between the wars , and what the relationship of this sort of fiction is to not merely other kinds of American fiction during that period but to more abiding American themes , particularly erm themes of individualism and toughness .
5 This sort of listing is worth knowing by a reader , who may occasionally notice that it underlies the degree of attention being paid to a theme by a critic .
6 Second , in redistributive studies there is a wide gulf between the appropriate cordon bleu ( theoretical ) recipe and what the empirical short-order cook is forced to do in practice if any sort of meal is to be forthcoming within a reasonable time period .
7 That sort of number is within the range of current technology .
8 Where this book mainly fails is in its implied answer to the question : what sort of science is to be grown ?
9 ‘ All On My Nut Sac ’ is a slow-grooving fight that 's unpleasant listening , but it is probably what this sort of argument is like in their neighbourhood .
10 One supposes that sort of snobbery is behind us .
11 This sort of copy is at the same time description and interpretation , the salient points being brought out by the copyist , who gains greater understanding of a masterpiece by his work .
12 Really you could n't ask for much more , of course we wanted United to win , but as people will see on the television tonight , they contributed so much to this game , they played so much good football and to watch Paul Gascoigne in this sort of form is worth anybody 's admission money .
13 What he is mainly denying when he denies that there are final causes in nature is that the existence of each individual sort of thing is to be explained by its serving some cause beyond it , in particular some kind of human interest .
14 He may stray now and then , but it does n't mean anything … that sort of thing is to be expected , men being as they are , with different needs and … um … appetites ?
15 ‘ The thing we would stress is that this sort of thing is against the law .
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