Example sentences of "sort [prep] [noun] [coord] i " in BNC.

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1 But then I 'm used to him doing all the sort of gardening and I mean , I would n't think of doing that , or decorating , you see .
2 Well , for me yes , because erm there are now things like the Independent Living Fund , things like that , if people fit into the right boxes and contact the right people , then they can get some sort of help but I mean , it 's still an absolute maze out there for anybody who does n't have that sort of back up .
3 and up the steps out of the underground there was this lass there and I , I ca n't help it I mean I 'm always aware of the fact of having this twenty five year old child , so offspring and there was a girl roughly about his age or slightly younger and she was grey you know that translucent look your skin gets when you 're not eating properly you know that grey sort of pallor and I had an overnight bag in one hand and a briefcase and a handbag in the other and I remember I walked past her and she was begging and I had gone to the sleeper and I 'm sitting there and I 'm thinking you bleep bleep bleep bleep bleep bleep bleep bleep , you could of put briefcase down , overnight bag down , handbag down and got some money out .
4 Now , with the best will in the world , I stand in front of that sort of painting and I get very little from it .
5 On the sixth one it was like this sort of year and I was getting into Christmas and that .
6 I always felt that Basil was a very shy , warm hearted man with a special sort of honesty and I am glad that I knew him .
7 Erm and basically er the , the reason for doing it that way is that erm , I do n't want to set up a situation where erm I 'm some sort of expert and I er this is not a matching process , okay ?
8 Firstly I do n't think there 's a substantial disagreement between Yeltsin and the so called hard liners , except over the question of timing so as to win the market and someone 's introduced them to the Soviet Union , and secondly I do n't think you can treat Boris Yeltsin as some kind of democrat at all , on August the twelfth he threatened to rule Russia by decree just at the definitely senators and the Russian nationalism and he built some sort of support and I , I think it 's very wrong to characterise the events there with the revolution , more it 's been , it 's been much more of a power struggle between different sections of the you know , the elite there along the lines of the events in Romania .
9 I 've read somewhere a long while ago , there was some sort of warning and I ca n't remember the details you know .
10 She was a jolly sort of girl but I do n't think our parents would have kept her if they had known the way she talked to us , and the things she told us .
11 Consequently , I decided I would be an androgynous sort of person and I found old esoteric idea about being a whole person in the alchemical or shamanic sense , a female-male composite , increasingly attractive .
12 I realise I am an obsessive sort of person and I realise I may never totally overcome my transsexual feelings .
13 I feel secure in the sense that I 'm my own sort of person and I feel loved by Lucy .
14 I am not a very social sort of person and I find it difficult to have strangers in my home . ’
15 erm from yesterday er I think meself personally I 'm very methodical sort of person and I felt what was most important the revelations meself was thought patterns and the use of most structured structured in a presentation and also the importance I could n't believe how that using them made such a difference actually to yourself when you 're standing there and the audience participation erm thought patterns well I 've always used that was just a revelation I mean I 've never
16 Fred Titmus bowled the right sort of ball and I smashed it in the direction of the pavilion .
17 I ca n't remember when , which cos if you remember I bought some late some sort of bulbs and I ca n't remember which .
18 ‘ It was very hard work for that sort of money and I consider it an insult , ’ Austin said of the earlier award .
19 The job analysts within E L T , are Neil Butterfield , John Dennis , Anne and Claire Nichol , and they are , in fact , if you like , a sort of second or I mean you can go to them to get advice about how to fill in the job description rather than go to your manager , or if if if you have some dispute or disagreement or whatever the job analysts can can can help in that .
20 ‘ Well , when you use a vibrato bar guitar , when you hit the strings really hard , a lot of the vibration gets transferred to the springs and back into the bar in a sort of flutter and I really do n't like that sound at all .
21 I 'm ever so disappointed that I 've not been to Yugoslavia , I wanted to go to Dubrovnik , you know , it 's been on the sort of list but I 've never got round to it .
22 Now with the older West Indian people we would have you know , a passing sort of conversations and I know a couple of them came to help to get me to help them to fill in D H S S forms and things like that .
23 I it , it was , it was alright f for people wh who were used to that sort of thing but I mean they had n't all the mechanization in the mines then that they have now .
24 I started by assuming it was the usual sort of thing but I 've made inquiries with our people in Narborough and I 'm not sure it was anything sexual .
25 Er , we have some points that we want taken on board such as the relevance of CPMs in the primary care team each team and that sort of thing but I do n't think they are fundamental differences , they are , as I say , dialogues towards consensus .
26 But the butchers shop was er a very well known shop , and er I remember very well we used to go into there er of course when things were re were really poor , you 'd go into the butchers shop in the middle of the week perhaps about Thursday and erm they used to sell they used to cook their own meats then of course you know , pressed beef and all that sort of thing and I remember this beautiful big white erm well it 'd be a ceramic dish affair on a stand , used to have a big piece of this pressed beef in it , cutting it off , and all the little bits used to fall round the side , well them come Thursday when only got a shilling in your pocket or your parents had got a couple of shillings left , you got to fetch two pennyworth of the bits of the pressed beef that had fallen round the pan , and that was a meal .
27 One of a family of six and me elder brother was me bro me dad had a little business in the keys in and er they were hard times and me elder brother we used to go and work for him because me dad said he must and er from , after school I used to go and perhaps do the errands or a bit of filing , the odd jobs and all that sort of thing and I grew up with locks and keys and files from twelve , even before I left school .
28 Then I was able to er go for my own self , you know and er I went on doing locks , one thing and another , best I could and all that sort of thing and I worked for a , a bloke what was in there er be a little bloke but he was the best locksmith in the shop and I went to help him and er he used to give me all the to do and this and that and the other .
29 Er what would you be able to manage on , sort of thing and I said about two hundred and fifty a year and er , you know , that was quite realistic in those days but erm obviously it would n't go very far now , would it ?
30 Not in a very big way , but I 've got an eye for that sort of thing and I told him I would n't split on him if he resigned and helped me choose the successor I wanted .
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