Example sentences of "making [art] [noun] [prep] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Meanwhile my mouth keeps making the shape of screams , Ma !
2 However , once he gets his base plan on paper , probably by September , he 's going to start making the rounds of vendors seeking their cooperation in getting all the plugs from device drives to protocols filled beginning at the desktop level .
3 No one 's making the kind of films I like .
4 If this is indeed the respondent 's belief , we want him or her to advance the idea spontaneously , so we might have : ‘ Had you any difficulty in making the choice of subjects that you study ? ’ ;
5 On the package front , the Company is investigating several innovative approaches for making the handling of fertilizers easier and safer for the farmer .
6 The historians of a general history , on the other hand , reject interpretation as such in favour of making the evidence of documents intelligible by posing questions to them , constituting through such questions what counts as the series of historical events , its elements , its limits , and its relation to other series , or what rules operated for particular discursive practices .
7 As every flat needs to have these service spaces , and such spaces occupy a fixed minimum area in a flat of any size , it made sense to maximise this internal accommodation in order to utilise fully the broad interior , and this was achieved by making the majority of flats one-bedroom or bedsitter units .
8 Further , on making the order for costs in the sum of £7,171.50 , the justices paid no regard to the fact that there was no machinery for costs to be taxed and no power for the local authority to intervene on an assessment by the area director of the father 's legal aid costs pursuant to the Civil Legal Aid ( General ) Regulations 1989 ( S.I .
9 It is potentially important both with regard to making the compilation of thesauri for specific applications easier , and also with regard to enhancing the similarities between lists for different applications .
10 This involves a willingness to acknowledge that co-operation can be difficult and that mistakes will occur , and a commitment to making the solving of problems a priority , rather than allowing them to fester .
11 The multilevel and fragmented bargaining which occurred in the private sector was seen as fuelling inflation and making the implementation of incomes policy more difficult .
12 A non-exclusive list of examples of such abuses is provided : ( a ) directly or indirectly imposing unfair purchase or selling prices or other unfair trading conditions ; ( b ) limiting production , markets or technical development to the prejudice of consumers ; ( c ) applying dissimilar conditions to equivalent transactions with other trading parties , thereby placing them at a competitive disadvantage ; ( d ) making the conclusion of contracts subject to acceptance by the other parties of supplementary obligations which , by their nature or according to commercial usage , have no connection with the subject of such contracts .
13 The effect of making the comparison within junctions is to exclude any factors intrinsic to the junction ( e.g. its size , location , distinctiveness ) from the results .
14 But Compaq 's unusual distribution system is making the transition from PCs to bigger machines hard .
15 A software application that allows typing and manipulation of text , making the creation of documents faster and easier .
16 Courses of treatment vary from one to seven days and although it is always preferable to examine the male sexual partner of an infected woman , because of the difficulties of making the diagnosis in men it is sometimes justifiable to treat the male without confirming the diagnosis , particularly if it can be shown that reinfection has taken place .
17 Kim Kennedy , mitigating , said Cardwell denied making the threats and also did not accept making the number of calls alleged .
18 British Gas South Western has five out of the country 's top 10 most improved Districts in the Gold Flame awards and the news comes as the level of Gas Consumers Council complaints in the south west show the greatest improvement in the whole country — a fall of 34% — making the number of complaints one of the lowest in Britain .
19 ( 2C ) The term implied by subsection ( 2 ) above does not extend to any matter making the quality of goods unsatisfactory ( a ) which is specifically drawn to the buyer 's attention before the contract is made , ( b ) where the buyer examines the goods before the contract is made , which that examination ought to reveal , or ( c ) in the case of a contract for sale by sample , which would have been apparent on a reasonable examination of the sample .
20 You can even try to find ways of making the set of conditions impossible to create by disabling some aspect of the program .
21 If you are making the set of pictures as a gift , you should consider the favourite colours of the recipient or perhaps choose shades that blend with a colour scheme in their home .
22 With most other designing systems , from punchcards to electronics an ‘ average ’ proportion such as three to five , or five to seven for instance is used , sometimes making the drawing of shapes a bit of a problem .
23 Some scholars believe that Matthew is making a play on words and that the original word was Nezer .
24 Rovaniemi edges a river which is frozen most of the year making a thoroughfare for sledges , jeeps and skiers .
25 It has also raised some practical difficulties in making a transfer of assets from one party to another when a portion of those assets consists of a pension which is not payable for many years to come .
26 Gandhi recognizes the dangers of making a fetish of ahi sā and I shall return to these questions .
27 A group of children were making a road with blocks .
28 No work is done in the fields today and Kalchu is sitting in the sun , making a necklace of marigolds by sinking a needle into the yellow hearts and sliding them together along coarse black thread .
29 This one concerned a motor yacht making a run with spirits from the Channel Isles .
30 In the same way , business executives or cabinet ministers may be making a hash of things while giving an outward appearance of calm confidence — Chancellor Norman Lamont springs to mind immediately .
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