Example sentences of "say that [pron] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The feelings of the young hon. Member for Gedling ( Mr. Mitchell ) about the way in which local government has broken up were expressed subjectively and I suspect that he will not agree with me when I say that they seemed to date from about 1979 — and we know what happened in 1979 when the hon. Member for Finchley ( Mrs. Thatcher ) was first elected .
2 Three out of four PMT sufferers say that they overspend in the days before their period starts — the average ‘ blown ’ is £39 — and some women spend more than £100 , premenstrually , on unnecessary extras .
3 This analysis raises the same question addressed in the previous section : if the speaker wanted the hearer to recover these effects , why did n't he or she simply say that they sprinted up the hill ?
4 Of course , you are likely to get some people who say that they thought of it first .
5 Those who say that they believe in God and yet neither love nor fear him , do not in fact believe in him but in those who have taught them that God exists .
6 Some people say that they believe in the Devil but not in demons .
7 The Government say that they believe in open government .
8 Added Keegan : ‘ They say that everything comes to those who wait .
9 ‘ People say that you get over it , but you do n't , not really , not properly . ’
10 The interviews were around a series of suggested topics : ‘ The say that you have in decisions which affect young disabled people 's education and lives , and what limits the say that you have ’ ; ‘ The say that others have ’ ; ‘ The say that young people themselves have ’ ; ‘ The implications of ‘ disability ’ on the decision-making that determines young people 's education and lives ’ ; and ‘ What you see as the main priorities in terms of who has what say and in working with others in future decisions . ’
11 When she asks , you must on no account say that it went into the sea , because she will worry that it is a curse on you — or me as well , for it was given to me at my baptism .
12 The way you say that it sounds like crap , but I guess the essence of it makes sense .
13 Only a quarter say that it led to in-service training and a fifth think that it improved staff relations and improved teaching methods .
14 and I , I told him I was n't stupid enough to keep money in the house as an ex er as an ex lawyer and erm , where , er it so happened as I say that I talked to he , he did n't take any thing in fact at the end he apologise for having chosen the wrong house and he
15 Baldirzade and Ismail Belig , in addition to giving information about Molla Yegan 's burial place , say that he died in 878/1473–4 , for which date there appears to be no firm evidence , though equally there is nothing to show it to be improbable .
16 He responds to us all in different ways , to his sister , Amanda , he 's always smiled at her and we say that he looks at her at her in his cute way . ’
17 We must face the issue seriously and not in the way in which the Prime Minister faced the issue at Harare when he said that he would write off some of the debts in return for the acceptance of an economic model imposed by the International Monetary Fund , and say that there has to be a write-off of debt .
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