Example sentences of "say that [pers pn] [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 What is the largest single event of sheer naked coincidence , sheer unadulterated miraculous luck , that we are allowed to get away with in our theories , and still say that we have a satisfactory explanation of life ?
2 It is in this prayerful meditation that mystics say that they receive an illumination of the reality of God over and above anything they can reach by their own efforts .
3 Most teachers would agree with this statement and , indeed , say that they use a variety of approaches and methods in their work , suiting them to the needs of the individual learner and the stage that pupil has reached .
4 Many governments round the world say that they spend a lot of money on military equipment because they need to defend themselves against other countries that might try to take over their territory .
5 Some women who form a relationship with another woman in middle age say that they discover a new kind of fulfilment and a sense of equality with another person that they felt escaped them before .
6 Foxhunters say that they perform a valuable service , controlling the numbers of foxes , which can become pests .
7 Despite the message of Modern Times and our images of modern factory work being influenced by our beliefs about what it must be like to work on , for example , the car assembly lines at Detroit or Dagenham , most people , when asked in social science surveys , say that they experience an acceptable level of job satisfaction at work .
8 You say that she has a mineral lick — have you tried a plain salt lick ?
9 In the sense that er you say that you had a camera club
10 If , when you do , the neighbours think you are being anti-social explain or say that you have a passion for climbing roses or clematis , or make some other excuse if you wish to be polite .
11 You 've got what , you know in terms of when you 've got say that you have a very very high percentage of people , all in the same position living in one area .
12 Well just say and just say that I had a bit of a ba an and I 'd like a check over that 's all just say that to them if you want alright ?
13 It is in my body qua sensitive that sensations occur ; and the occurrence of a sensation in some part of my body qua sensitive is all that I mean when I say that I feel a sensation in some part of my body .
14 Believe me when I say that he has an unexpected side to him .
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