Example sentences of "had [art] [noun] [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 But he had n't had the guts to do it .
2 She had fought him off like a veritable wildcat when he 'd slung a few well-deserved insults at her , and then had had the gall to deny she had turned traitor , although her brother held his castle for Matilda , and God only knew what she , herself , had done for the Empress .
3 He had even had the gall to blame it on Folly herself ; to say it would never have happened if she had been more ‘ reasonable ’ .
4 Dan had n't had the sense to leave it in the shade .
5 If only your parents 'd had the sense to let you to go in for it . ’
6 Middi said yesterday : ‘ I was very annoyed — they should have had the courtesy to tell us .
7 If he , or anyone else , had had the courtesy to inform me , he could have saved our members a lot of hard work .
8 Graham said the Swedish FA should have had the courtesy to inform him .
9 And it worried her too ( He might have had an accident — should I phone the police ? ) , almost as much as it angered her ( He might have had the decency to let me know he would n't be in to supper ) .
10 ‘ You might have had the decency to let it continue — ’ she started to complain , but he interrupted her , smiling .
11 ‘ You might have had the decency to order us some drink that was n't called Jim . ’
12 Mr manager at branch mean the area manager us , she said he 's not even had the decency to tell me himself
13 After all , Dickens had had the decency to keep it to himself , not go telling the world about it .
14 She turned her back on him , unlocking the inner door , and as the warmth from the storage heaters wafted out to greet them she thanked God that she had had the foresight to leave them on — she did n't think she had been properly warm since reading the newspaper this afternoon — no , not even on the plane .
15 She wrinkled her nose in irritation , wishing that her father had had the foresight to warn her that it had not been fully completed , instead of waving her on her way with a cheery remark about how the change would do her good .
16 It can be I know , but I mean erm , I 'm thinking of some of my electorate , and I have n't actually had the opportunity to ask them .
17 I wish that Deane was scoring 3 a match — but I have nt had the opportunity to see him in action recently .
18 Can I just I think it 's fairly important that if we 'd have actually done the reconciliation , last week , we 'd have had the opportunity to recheck them .
19 But we have n't had the opportunity to read it .
20 Hysterectomy ca n't be too bad : 96% of a group of Australian women who have had the operation say they are pleased to have had it , while 55% say they wish that they had had it sooner !
21 It was looking a mess because I had n't had the heart to tidy it ; the sky outside had a yellow-grey sameness , without a hint of where the sun might be , and in that light the flowers on the dirty brown wallpaper looked sadder than ever .
22 I have never had the heart to try them myself !
23 If only she 'd had the chance to ask him why he 'd had the affair .
24 Lionel Luyt told me that it was only when he reached Europe a few years later that he realized how far ahead of his South African contemporaries John had been , doing things which he must have invented for himself because he had not had the chance to see them put into practice by others .
25 I 've got some gardening gloves at home , I have n't had the chance to use them yet , the weather 's been so bad
26 If there were anything to remove , he best of all must have had the chance to do it .
27 They have n't had the money to repair them )
28 It would have suited his purposes admirably well to have had the police arrest them for responding to his antagonism .
29 [ 12 ] Most dog owners have had the misfortune to see it in their own pets in a dog fight .
30 Some creature he had met at a dinner party recently ( he was , it had to be said , from East Finchley ) had had the nerve to tell him that New York was ‘ more vibrant ’ than Wimbledon .
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