Example sentences of "had [art] [noun] [verb] them " in BNC.

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1 She turned her back on him , unlocking the inner door , and as the warmth from the storage heaters wafted out to greet them she thanked God that she had had the foresight to leave them on — she did n't think she had been properly warm since reading the newspaper this afternoon — no , not even on the plane .
2 It can be I know , but I mean erm , I 'm thinking of some of my electorate , and I have n't actually had the opportunity to ask them .
3 Can I just I think it 's fairly important that if we 'd have actually done the reconciliation , last week , we 'd have had the opportunity to recheck them .
4 I have never had the heart to try them myself !
5 Lionel Luyt told me that it was only when he reached Europe a few years later that he realized how far ahead of his South African contemporaries John had been , doing things which he must have invented for himself because he had not had the chance to see them put into practice by others .
6 I 've got some gardening gloves at home , I have n't had the chance to use them yet , the weather 's been so bad
7 They have n't had the money to repair them )
8 It would have suited his purposes admirably well to have had the police arrest them for responding to his antagonism .
9 The signs had all been there if only she 'd had the gumption to read them .
10 Now Paul this is what I 've found out since you see , Paul erm said to them , Why suddenly this ? and he says , Oh we 've actually had them printed for the last two years but we 've never had the time to give them out .
11 Well , I do n't have up-to-date figures because I have n't had the time to compile them , but I do know — I know it 's twelve years ago , but — in nineteen seventy three if you look at horses that were offered at precisely fifty to one , then you 'd find that there were five hundred and thirty horses offered at those odds during the whole of that season .
12 Peter Mandelson , Patricia Hewitt and a number of other Fabian commentators could have behaved more courteously by addressing the Liberal Democrats by their full name instead of calling them Liberals ; Tony Blair could have had the courage to name them at all , instead of subsuming them into a vague phrase about building common cause with other parties ‘ around the world ’ .
13 ‘ When I bought this house and insisted she move in with me she took the path of least resistance and agreed , although even then if I 'd had the wits to see them all the signs were there that although she relished my role as provider she cared very little for me as a person . ’
14 One man had done that , one man had had the power to call them all out here on to the moor , away from their homes , their jobs .
15 ‘ I have had no opportunity to ask them .
16 The words had leapt out of Tom 's mouth before he had had a chance to stop them .
17 ‘ We have n't had a chance to tell them that he 's gone for trial yet , sir .
18 We can never know what folly and what wisdom is in the speeches until we have had a chance to read them . ’
19 She might not have had a daughter to sing them with but she could enjoy their soulfullness on her own .
20 Each one would have had an attendant to stop them doing themself harm .
21 Perhaps we could discuss once you have had an opportunity to consider them .
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