Example sentences of "probably [verb] [to-vb] [det] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 No , but have n't they had to call their client files , client master job files and if you get an enquiry from an existing client they will probably want to put that enquiry back in that folder .
2 Either way , you will probably want to put more emphasis on decoration than you would do normally .
3 They are probably going to write another play based on my suggestions .
4 I 'm probably going to have some sort of a frothing fit before it and be flown home to England in a wooden crate . ’
5 The action of Louis XIV in sending for the first time , in 1679 , an envoy extraordinary to the imperial court in Vienna probably helped to accelerate this process .
6 ‘ I shall probably have to do this year again , but it ca n't be helped .
7 Others who may well have had reservations about him ( though we shall probably have to wait some time before their reflections can be made available to us ) were the oil-company spokesmen to whom he advanced new facts of life during the earnestly disputed discussions between OPEC and the major companies in Tehran in December 1973 .
8 Current affairs programmes will have a tougher time : if Thames wins back its franchise , it will probably continue to make This Week .
9 She kept her eyes downcast so that he would n't see its telltale signs , and sullenly dressed while he continued to pace up and down , probably trying to release some energy .
10 In practice , you probably have to err this way and that as you tell your story , sometimes risking the reader learning too much , sometimes risking losing interest by not giving the reader the feeling that there is enough material for tentative speculation .
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