Example sentences of "doing [adv] [adv] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In the first half , it did n't really matter , cos it was great to see Leeds doing so well away from home .
2 These invaluable low-growing pink plants have a reputation for being tender , but as these are doing so well here in this cold part of the country , they must be among the hardier varieties .
3 announcement every time there 's a delivery and the brother who 's giving the announcements on a Tuesday or a Thursday , whenever they meet , he , he says that we have new magazines tonight brothers and he may hold them up and said you know , that they 're this and that and lovely , beautiful magazines Jehovah doing so well now through his organization and he 's presenting us with , with erm marvellous erm appealing literature , he holds them up and says we 're , we 're , we 're able to get your magazines tonight and er we would like you to get them straight out at me , and they 're still there two or three weeks later , your magazines , this is a way we can stay spiritually awake , is by going and getting them straight away , not for the benefit of the brothers , poor old brother who is on the job and he 's wondering why , are they gon na come and fetch my magazines or not , but because we need to devour that spiritual feeling , we need to keep up to date with everything that Jehovah 's providing us with .
4 ‘ But the thing is , Reflection is being rather — well , very greedy about the Marriage Settlement , ’ went on Caspar , feeling that he was doing really rather well with this random blending of truth and fiction .
5 Red and white signs , showing an izard 's head , are the only indication that you are entering it , the izard being a sort of chamois native to the Pyrenees which is now doing well there again after having earlier been hunted almost out of existence — its survival has been put down to the First World War , when men turned to killing one another and the animals had an armistice which enabled them to breed again .
6 He was doing quite well even without it : he had already defeated and killed the satrap Achaimenes , Xerxes ' brother ( Hdt. iii .
7 Is the Lord President aware that the Prime Minister has not been doing very cleverly lately in Question Time ?
8 Okay I think you 're doing very very well on the fractions actually how do you feel ?
9 They are not doing anywhere near enough for Scotland .
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