Example sentences of "war was [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Their contact with war was to sit in the dining room of the Hay Adams Hotel , or the Petroleum Club in Dallas , or by their own swimming pools , sipping on cocktails and going through lists of guns and launchers and grenades .
2 The involvement of the mujaheddin as part of the multinational force engaged in the Gulf war was criticized by the government which in February 1991 declared that military action in the Gulf had exceeded the mandate of UN Resolution 678 .
3 The government had published the employment White Paper , and the war was drawing to a close .
4 Fortunately Russia never became directly involved and the war was limited to the Korean peninsula , but its effect on Europe was considerable .
5 The survey showed that the main impact of the four to six million barrels of oil which were poured into the Gulf during the 1990-91 Gulf War was limited to the northern shores .
6 In such a way of thinking , war was regarded as an invitation for divine intervention , carried out through the divine instrument , the soldier .
7 The political and military support given by Egypt to the United States-led coalition in the Gulf war was regarded as an important factor in the Paris Club debt relief , which supplemented write-offs of Egyptian debt by the United States and the Gulf Co-operation Council countries in October 1990 [ see p. 37795 ] .
8 Before , however , the plan could be put to the test preliminary peace terms had been agreed and England 's victory in the Seven Years War was confirmed by the Treaty of Paris on 10 February 1763 .
9 After a few weeks newspapers lifted their ban on match reports , and while the war was waged on the front page , the struggle for League points gathered pace on the back .
10 Thereafter , a civil war was waged between the re-formed Irish Volunteers ( soon to be known as the IRA ) and the Royal Irish Constabulary ( RIC ) .
11 On the Somerset Levels , intermittent war was waged throughout the Middle Ages between successive abbots of Glastonbury and bishops of Wells .
12 At one point I almost imagined I was sitting typing while a dreadful senseless war was waged in the Gulf .
13 Political opposition to the war was led by the Communist Party ( PCF ) , although other left-wing and ecological groups as well as trade unions played a prominent role .
14 A different Christian response to the war was represented by the formation of the non-denominational Fellowship of Reconciliation by a small group of non-resisters .
15 When the war was renewed in the 1370s , the price of wine in London rose to 10d. per gallon , although during the truce of 1375–77 it fell again to 6d .
16 These reached a peak during the truce of 1444–49 , but were halved when war was renewed in the latter year .
17 Numerous reports from all over Germany make clear how little the German people in the last months of the war was attuned to the heroic strains of the message preached above all by Goebbels .
18 A Face of War was shot over a 97-day period , and portrays the experiences of Mike Company , 3rd Battalion , 7th Marine Regiment ; during this period Jones was wounded twice and one of his photographers once .
19 This secret expansion of the war was revealed by the press , much to Nixon 's fury .
20 The growth in the provision made by Douglas-Smith and Hampden Jackson in the year before the war was endangered by the rapidly diminishing availability of part-time tutors after September 1939 .
21 AN inside account of the Gulf War was given to the Alresford and District branch of the Royal Air Forces Association at a recent meeting at the Kingsworthy Sports and Social Club .
22 In France the post of Secretary of State for War was given for the first time to a soldier ( the Maréchal de Belle-Isle ) in 1758 ; and in the second half of the century there was a slow but steady tendency for the most important officials concerned , the intendants d'armées and the contrôleurs des guerres , to be military men .
23 In one case war was declared over a disputed game .
24 But that title , of Earl of Falmouth , was granted in March 1665 as part of the honours bestowed when war was declared against the Dutch .
25 In 1836 war was declared upon the pagan styles by Augustus Welby Northmore Pugin , whose father , Augustus Charles , had been a devoted student of genuine Gothic architecture in the 1820s .
26 He became an alienated reactionary for whom the trauma of the First World War was reinforced by the memory of the fascist God that failed , and his thought became increasingly dominated by the negative obsession of the conspiracy theory of history .
27 The commemoration of the dead in the First World War was seen as a triumphalist commemoration of those who died for Britain .
28 So war was seen as a scientific and technical procedure where , for example , the deaths of many citizens were absent from the television screen .
29 In this way of thinking war was seen as an attempt to pursue a ‘ reasonable ’ claim which was being forcibly threatened or attacked , which implied not merely the use of force but the means of persuasion ( propaganda ) and discussion ( negotiation ) as well .
30 The release of all civilian detainees and prisoners of war was agreed at the Paris talks but a number of practical difficulties impeded the process .
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