Example sentences of "best [noun] [verb] [be] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 They 're keen bird-watchers and their best sightings have been from the laboratory windows which overlook very special conservation areas .
2 If the bias towards one end is only small , the best place to start is in the middle where there is often plenty of space and the chances of making a good start are greater .
3 As with any important expedition , the best place to start is in the comfort of your own sofa , making a plan of campaign .
4 The best place to start is in the pencil test .
5 But we should all be doing something , and the best place to begin is with a prayer every day for God 's blessing on the great work of telling people that God loves them .
6 The best place to walk is in the middle of the pavement .
7 ‘ He says he 's interested in building up a representative collection of primitive and tribal art , but when we tell him the best place to look is in his own back yard , as it were , he tells us he does n't want Abo art , ’ James said , trying unsuccessfully to pronounce the last two words of his sentence with what he imagined was an Australian accent .
8 All my best laughs have been in prison .
9 For many young people , one of the best ways to socialise was in the Young Farmers ' Club , which held regular meetings and trips to nearby farms .
10 The recent rainfall will be in his favour , as his best form has been on ground with a cut in it .
11 Well I 'll I 'll erm Well if you 've got the insurance the be the best thing to do is for me to tell them when you 've actually been done .
12 Probably what the best thing to do is for for for managers to sit when Vicky comes back I 'll fill in for anyone who reports to me .
13 It 's because there are economies of scale , alright , now if there are gains to be had from specialisation right , and consumers want specialised products and the best thing to do is to , erm , focus production in a single location right , for lots of different variants of this product right .
14 There is no doubt that the best way to invest is with the intention of selling more of the goods that come from those investments , and receiving a greater return on them .
15 On the desirability or otherwise of a comprehensive list of what should be done at each level , the best way to proceed is for there to be a presumption , effectively , that matters are best dealt with at national level unless it can be shown that that is better done at Community level .
16 Perhaps the best way to proceed is by a process of elimination .
17 The BHF says the best way to slim is by losing just over 1lb a week , reducing energy intake to 1000 calories a day , cutting down on fat and alcohol and eating only moderate salt .
18 They agreed the best way to help was in a manner which was visible to the population of Russia .
19 The best time to visit is in stormy conditions when the birds are on the wing , but the day we went was calm and we saw them only sitting on their nests .
20 The best time to visit is from early May to late July .
21 Guideline 1 : The best time to start is at the very beginning
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