Example sentences of "to see what [was/were] going on " in BNC.

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1 Tom , I just stood there so hanging around waiting to see what were going on and I had to .
2 Twenty-one days later the Prince arrived to see what was going on .
3 It was early evening when we wandered round to Fair Hill to see what was going on .
4 At the time , as the stations were being built , it was much less easy for outsiders to see what was going on , or to make informed assessments of the rosy promises being made about the future .
5 I admit I was wrong about the Cairngorms , and I did n't even have the chance to see what was going on behind the plateau to the south .
6 By 27 May , though , things had quietened down sufficiently for a daring ( or foolhardy ) party to charter a steamboat from Batavia ( now Djakarta ) and sail out to the islands to see what was going on .
7 I made my way through the crowds to Farr 's in Brown Street , managed to get right up to the entrance and poke my head around the door to see what was going on .
8 She would come back to camp after a day off , call in at the office to see what was going on , and if we were all running around like headless chickens , snowed under with miles of paper from the teleprinter , and an irate Wing CO was tearing his hair out because the visibility had suddenly slumped from three miles to fifty yards and all his boys were up there somewhere running out of fuel , Rosemary would calmly take over the plotting while one of us rushed out to the screen to read the instruments , or go into the screaming teleprinter to shut off the insistent ear-piercing bell which was reminding everybody within hearing that we were late in sending in the hourly observation .
9 I saw the drivers holding a conference in a bus in the lower reaches of the car park and decided to mosey down to see what was going on .
10 The neighbours and their children crowded around to see what was going on and to hear the conversation between Granny and Dad .
11 Dad poked his head round the door to see what was going on and to ask if I 'd seen Mum .
12 She yawned and rubbed her eyes , and poked her head out to see what was going on .
13 My wife could n't believe that I was actually going out to see what was going on .
14 ‘ Suddenly a police van came round the corner and pulled up to see what was going on .
15 If they could see the theatre to see what was going on and an example of audio description
16 The Doctor was using a pocket mirror to see what was going on outside without sticking his head out of the window , Howard was over by a small stove cooking several breakfasts , the hospital staff were milling about seeing to their patients , and Petion was being shaved by an orderly using a piece of broken glass .
17 After a bit , me dad went out to see what was going on and all of a sudden there was such a crash , and erm then there was two more like , you know and er we heard what , what we assumed was somebody 's house tumbling down but it was our stable unfortunately .
18 Hearing noises in the little white salon as she passed its door , she poked her head in to see what was going on .
19 I left it a while but they did n't break up , so I went over to see what was going on .
20 She knew that Christie Goldsborough was looking at her strangely and that other people , somewhere in the room — pushing into the doorway to see what was going on — were looking at her too .
21 We then went down again , this time backwards which was also excellent fun , if a little daunting with not quite being able to see what was going on .
22 you wanted to , to see what was going on .
23 Everyone sprang to their feet but the cardinal 's heralds called for silence and he sent his revels master , Henry Guildford , to see what was going on .
24 ‘ I went out to see what was going on and a policeman told us to evacuate the area .
25 Police and ambulances turned up to see what was going on , but six bouncers could n't prevent the metal entrance shutters from being wrecked , while inside Michaela was getting a barrage of abuse .
26 I started to walk a way out of the main bedroom and I heard P C say words to the effect of get down and I turned round to see what was going on and the man was trying to roll over to get up or that 's what I thought , erm not kicking or or fighting or anything but just to me it looked as though he was going to get up and I went back and with my hands just pushed down onto him and said stay there , it will all be explained er and then walked away .
27 but he was , he was that tired but he would n't give in , he kept wanting to see what was going on
28 I just popped in just to see what was going on .
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