Example sentences of "anything at all [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 So we might modify our question , and ask whether the study of cave life has told us anything at all about the great questions of evolution and ecology .
2 The trouble is they are trying to understand life — life that was invented by God — without knowing much or anything at all about the inventor .
3 In many cases they are not able to remember anything at all about the earlier incidents and so all they have are those inner feelings with nothing to counteract them .
4 No one , it seemed , knew anything at all about the children they were uprooting so mercilessly .
5 Agreement on this suggestion would bring the meeting to a close , and most of those present would not have to do anything at all about the wretched book .
6 Only those who were sufficiently moved by piety or curiosity to go on a pilgrimage to the celebrated shrine of Santiago de Compostella , on roads which took them through Aquitaine , can have learned anything at all about the land which was to be the chief concern of Richard 's life .
7 If it is difficult to distinguish precisely the living standards of older women in official statistics , it is impossible to say anything at all about the position of older Black women ( or men for that matter ) .
8 However , that is not an accusation that I could level at the Leader of the Opposition , as he has not found time to say anything at all about the environment — true or false .
9 In this case they may not add anything at all to the message .
10 Is the fallacy bound to be present whenever anyone says anything at all of the sort ‘ good is … ’ , meaning to offer a definition ?
11 But the Burgermeister , usually so jovial and noisy , had proved to be exceedingly sound , never saying anything at all at the rehearsal other than to praise the faint-hearted at the very end .
12 Gaston , the committee man , who had been eyeing Ingrid the entire evening , trying to discern if she was wearing anything at all under the gold waistcoat , hurried over and pulled her to her feet .
13 He spent many hours of darkness , sweating lightly in spite or the autumn and early winter cold , wishing some of his replies unsaid , and wishing above all that he had said anything at all after the examiner 's last remark .
14 There 's no real hurry , it 's not till 11.30 ) chatting brightly to hide the hollow empty absence of anything at all in the way of feeling , and kept my eyes off Toby 's face which had a look on it as if someone were dragging his insides out .
15 However , it is difficult to conclude anything at all from a correlation , particularly one which is barely significant .
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