Example sentences of "lot of [noun pl] [conj] we " in BNC.

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1 Bernard , you 've been to a lot of meetings since we last talked to you , what 's been happening in the speedway world ?
2 Well this is part of a one million er £ er campaign to try and raise money for a lot of projects that we run in eight countries in southern Africa , from Angola to Mozambique , where our , the problems are absolutely horrendous er civil war in Mozambique for example , in Malawi , one in ten of the population are refugees , principally from Mozambiquan civil war , arriving at refugee camps in Bark and absolutely nothing er at all in terms of possessions .
3 The England captain said : ‘ We 've done it despite a lot of injuries and we 've been without Mark Waugh for the last six matches because he 's with the Australian team in Sri Lanka .
4 And I think you 'll agree , it is a difficult I mean I always stress this point about attitude , that a lot of problems that we get in our advice centres have been made worse because the customer has caused er you know argument or a scene
5 lot of things that we need to do cos
6 But I mean it brought up a lot of things that we perhaps
7 We have a lot of privacies , and a lot of things until we change them , and you know why we changed it , because you went out and saw your clients and told them products and they reported you , and you came back and said but what about this , what about this ?
8 And you can always tell reflectors in training , cos sometimes you 'll think what 's happening , nobody else wants participation , reflectors will actually stand back and think well what did they ask for , what do I talk about then and it 's always like a delayed response you get a lot of reflectors and we had one course once and we had all high reflector scores and that actually told us a lot about participation cos people were n't disguising any they were thinking about it coming in had time to consider an opinion so that 's a reflector .
9 I almost dare suggest myself again and take a stiff brandy and ask a lot of questions that we want to know the answers to .
10 There have been a lot of sacrifices but we have our own identity again . ’
11 Er but there have been a lot of issues and we 've done well in that field but of course it does n't produce the same kind of fee income as the M and A activity .
12 There were a lot of crows when we went for a walk before flying round .
13 We could be closed out of a lot of markets if we do n't employ environmentally sound principles . ’
14 There are various ways of improving the lot of hens but we do need to ask the hens themselves rather than make up their minds for them .
15 But even saying that , if they doubled it to two hundred pounds , it 's a lot of years before we reach four thousand pounds .
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