Example sentences of "once [art] [noun] ['s] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I wish it would n't go so fast ! ’ she thought — and at once the broomstick 's pace slowed .
2 What was once the abbey 's guest-house had been increasing in size and grandeur as successive monarchs used it for their Edinburgh residence .
3 It is important that you should recognise the legal obligation incurred once the Auctioneer 's hammer has fallen in the sale room .
4 It was once the Friends ' Meeting House , and a flight of stone steps led to it when I first knew it .
5 In Lebanon , where the Palestinian war against Israel was focused once the PLO 's guerrilla movement was evicted from Jordan in 1970 , they were squirrelled away beneath floors or carpets , sometimes stored in rusting biscuit tins , broken suitcases and ancient trunks , often the very containers in which the refugees carried their most valuable belongings from Palestine in 1948 .
6 They 'll be waitin' fer us an' once the load 's orf the motor Tony can take it back on 'is own .
7 He refused to send his horses to be shod at our smithy after that ; for once the smith 's verdict got around it would be difficult for him to sell the mare .
8 6 Once the attacker 's elbow is locked , it is very difficult for him to counter .
9 At once the woman 's voice went cold .
10 According to the W.I. Survey , 1975 , there was once a cooper 's workshop here .
11 Once a Doge 's palace , ornate stairways , gothic arches and balustrades remain .
12 David Blunkett , shadow health secretary , said that he made a speech three weeks ago with very good evidence behind him that the Government was going to engage in redefinition of ‘ nursing care ’ once a patient 's surgery had been completed .
13 Once a developer 's attention has been drawn to a site , even though the planning approval may have been rejected , it may be possible to resolve the objections raised by the local planning authority .
14 This was once a gamekeeper 's cottage belonging to a large estate .
15 Once a child 's name is placed on the register an inter-agency child protection plan must be formulated and a key worker appointed with responsibility for implementing this plan .
16 Did it have any connection with the Castle Museum opposite the court , which was once a women 's prison ?
17 Liquidation proceedings will start once a creditors ' meeting has taken place .
18 Once a person 's feet are hurting there is little more to be said , so Betty reluctantly accompanied her to the car .
19 I write at the top of the house , in an attic that was once a housemaid 's bedroom .
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