Example sentences of "particular time [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Well at that particular time on the bureau , the means test was prevalent then and you were getting twelve shillings a week .
2 And known that particular time as the steel town of Scotland .
3 Often , too , women undertake a special religious vow of performing a greater number of such purity rites at a particular time of the year , followed by a ritual worship of her husband .
4 Thereafter , a physiological change may cause them to develop a preference for fresher water so they are lured up the rivers , just as spiny lobsters , at a particular time of the year , are drawn to lower temperatures .
5 Er and this particular time of the year , it was summer of course , you we you you were n't overly worried about not having a shelter , you see .
6 The club is working well but the numbers are dropping which is quite normal at this particular time of the year .
7 The interesting thing , just in passing , that particular time of the year was not actually harvest time , and as Jesus looked over the harvest field it was n't the harvest field that was ripened corn , it was actually full of green shoots , and it is the harvest now is ripe , it 's plenteous because he was n't talking about that , he was talking about men and women .
8 Certainly , at any particular time during the research period , the majority of users were not in contact with either counselling or medical agencies .
9 We would arrange to be something at a particular time in the evening and then the following day we would compare our thoughts .
10 And now they would be dancing , as we said , dancing right down , with the elegance and economy of movement that only exhaustion brings , the careful and expert moves that only come at that particular time in the morning .
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