Example sentences of "since [pers pn] [verb] [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Jan sat on one of our original moquette chairs and Darren picked up the atmosphere and , for the first time since I 'd met him , sat on a chair in silence .
2 Bernie was speechless , for the first time since I 'd known him .
3 I have n't done so bad since I went have I .
4 It was two and a half years since I had seen them and it gave me a lot of hope just to know that they were still in good shape , although they both looked much older .
5 The yarn I was using was cotton , a double knitting weight and not the best for cabling at any time and I did need to have cables , since I had sketched them into my design .
6 We carried on a rather halting conversation and it came to me with a bump that my mind had been forced on to different tracks since I had left her .
7 As I approached Gateshead Hall , I realized it was nine years since I had left it .
8 Since I had taken her from her people , I felt in some degree responsible for seeing them together again .
9 The safety gates have made a big difference , since I 've gotten them erm I 've got peace of mind for the stairs and I can answer the phone and I have n't got to like keep trying to pull them downstairs and do do different things .
10 Since I 've decided I prefer the poison to the antidotes . ’
11 Why you 're doing this Christmas , it may be my last , John said what do you mean , I said well , I do n't know if I 'm going to be in a classroom this time next year , I mean , I really enjoy Christmas with the children , fifteen years since I 've done it , I 've forgotten how I enjoyed myself .
12 But I have , I , I 've ever since I 've retired I 've run a performing dance group of men and women erm who do it for a hobby .
13 ‘ It 's three years since I 've seen him , long before all this business .
14 That 's her maiden name , well it 's abo f about forty nine fifty years ago since I 've seen her .
15 Oh it must be fifty years since I 've seen her .
16 ‘ It 's years since I 've seen them .
17 How long since I 've seen it loose ?
18 It 's quite a while now since I 've bored you with a few observations about our friends the dumb animals who share their lives with us on the planet and the more you observe them the more convinced you become that they 're anything but dumb .
19 But he had been working on that first novel for at least ten years , ever since I 've known him .
20 Ever since I 've known him , leaving things all over the place ! ’
21 The final word on Tony Iommi 's custom-built JD guitar has to come from John Diggins himself : ‘ Apart from the fact that Tony 's been threatening to take me out for a drink ever since I 've known him , things have changed a lot , and now we do n't get the time to get together any more .
22 In fact , ever since I 've known him he 's had a penchant for adopting stray dogs .
23 They 've been closing down since I 've known them
24 ‘ It 's not surprising she met an early grave , she 's smoked forty a day ever since I 've known her and that 's thirty years , ’ and , ‘ What do you expect , smoking all her life — God rest her soul , ’ are common judgements made by those left behind .
25 It 's been so ever since I 've known her — she was the eldest , and felt herself a mother to the pair of them .
26 I said it 's ages since I 've had her all on my own .
27 And I cut I 've cut it twice since I 've had it cut just
28 Corky 's taking an age typing them all in — even slower since I threatened to give him a good lashing !
29 I offer as an example some of my own Inspector Ghote novels , particularly the early ones , since I have found it possible in recent years to shift , as it were , Ghote 's character into higher , more serious gear .
30 I have loved you since I have known you .
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