Example sentences of "'d [vb pp] [pers pn] [verb] be " in BNC.

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1 Ben said that he 'd heard I 'd been having some problems and asked what they were .
2 I 'd forgotten you 'd been in it . ’
3 The first time he 'd seen her had been at Dave 's , and Dave had kept a possessive arm round her all evening , warning others away .
4 They 'd said he 'd been caught in a heliborne ambush and killed in hand to hand combat by a malai captain .
5 The cop who 'd collected her had been a crowd control unit , the full cyborg .
6 All the tenderness he 'd shown her had been nothing more than a sham , just a front to convince the interested public that they were lovers .
7 I 'd thought you 'd been getting exercise in .
8 But within six months she 'd known she had been right , and she had now reached the stage where she thoroughly enjoyed her work .
9 When the police eventually found the abandoned truck they 'd assume the driver who 'd stolen it had been drunk .
10 In fact , ever since she 'd arrived she 'd been constantly battling , without really being a hundred per cent sure what she was battling against .
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