Example sentences of "'d [vb pp] [pron] [noun pl] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I could see her English neighbour shutting her front door in our faces , and yet all the same we left the two children there , rushing away after I 'd pinched their cheeks to make them cry so that she 'd have to come out to them .
2 He 'd seen its practitioners hounded and mocked ; seen its theories decay into decadence and parody ; seen its purpose steadily forgotten .
3 If I 'd said your parents had asked me to come , do you think I 'd have got you to tell me about Ryan ? ’
4 She 'd got her lines crossed .
5 Your uncle must be years and years older than she is , and anyway , I rather gathered she 'd got her sights set on some fellow whose name she would n't tell me .
6 Nerves got the better of me and only when Les Cox stopped me to go for another take did I realise I 'd got my letters mixed up and had inadvertently said : ‘ Will you switch these sans off please ?
7 ‘ I told her I 'd got my sights set on a high-born heiress and she damned near scratched my eyes out .
8 He 'd had his eyes closed .
9 She 'd packed her bags knowing that whatever else happened she had to go back home to find out from her mother just who her father was .
10 Even when she 'd been helping in the kitchen she 'd found her eyes straying , as if magnetised , in his direction .
11 With a great effort of will , he 'd resisted her pleas to go to her bedroom after everyone was asleep .
12 So we went in the door , and just sort of said , yeah we had , we 'd kept it ages had n't we ?
13 ‘ I just wish I 'd kept my flies fastened that day , ’ he said .
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