Example sentences of "'d [been] [vb pp] [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 So they 'd been sent down into the rock no doubt still with orders to draw blood from the air .
2 Can you imagine getting dragged down to Lord 's only after you 'd been hung up by every sports page in the country ?
3 I had a feeling they 'd been blocked off by the malais and had n't been able to go by the quickest route they wanted .
4 He passed the day skulking around cafes , and when Georges met him by chance later on he confessed he 'd been beaten up in his flat because he 'd agreed to do a favour for someone and it had gone wrong .
5 Dawn Allenby seemed annoyed too , though that was possibly because she 'd been cheated out of those extra moments in his arms .
6 After that row with my father , I felt I 'd been turned down by them all .
7 Er w and he 'd been turned down by and all the other er top lawyers in
8 Within minutes the car was free , and before I could thank the young farmer I 'd been invited back for a cup of tea and some hot broth .
9 Then this lad who 'd been padded up with John come round to see us .
10 as if he 'd been cut out of tin .
11 If you 'd been tossed around in the eddies down there I would n't have given much for your chances . ’
12 ‘ It 's A Game ’ , ‘ Money Honey ’ , ‘ Shang A Lang ’ and , um , a lot of padding from the Rollers ' post ‘ 77 career after they 'd been shot down in flames , plucked , shucked , gutted , roasted , eaten , shat out and buggered in the back of the neck and then locked in the attic with Mad Auntie Maude from Nottingham for two weeks by the ultimate manufactured band , the Sex Pistols .
13 Yes , yes , but erm , you know , I have had to say to the chaps , one of them came in and he said he 'd been spoiled down at the cedar and I said oh well , I , I 've been cooking a breakfast for Neil of course by the operation of sods law , Neil suddenly goes off the idea of having breakfast , so I find myself cooking breakfast for this other lump , who is as idol and selfish as anybody ever met in all the born days , and I said to him just recently , I said , I , I ca n't get up and do breakfast 's in the morning any more , well he says he come 's down and does he 's own , you see they can when they feel that they want too .
14 ‘ She was n't frightened of flying , but she was very frightened of the seat belt , so I think she 'd been tied down at one time .
15 Rayleen did n't find anything else broken , though she seemed convinced I 'd been run over by a steamroller .
16 ‘ It seemed to me she 'd been worn down by leading a life she was n't fitted for .
17 He had fancied being a poet when he was a boy — before he 'd been thrust out into the real world to try to earn a living .
18 They felt as if they 'd been scoured out with a Brillo pad .
19 If they 'd been traced back to here , it would have been your responsibility . ’
20 It was n't the same corridor : it was narrower than the one they 'd been carried along on the transporter .
21 She still did n't know what had happened when she 'd been put through to the room .
22 Dad said , and it must have cost him a lot to say so little after he 'd been put down by me , ‘ I 've decided I want to be with Eva . ’
23 If we 'd been put back with an American maybe it meant that at least one of us could expect to be released .
24 Erm I think they thought they 'd been let down at the end of it .
25 Erm yes , they er , they felt they 'd been let down by the Railway men , I think , or someone else at the beginning at the Strike , and they were out on a limb but er they 'd got to make the best of it .
26 Personally , he just hoped it was some headcase from the funny farm up the hill who 'd been let out on parole too early with a meat axe .
27 But today they contacted their colleagues in Oxford to say they 'd been held up by blizzards .
28 There was one abominable story of a young man to whom this happened , a freelance journalist , who 'd been taken on by one of the agencies on a temporary trial which had n't worked out .
29 She 'd been taken on by Harman almost as — well yes , his protégé really .
30 ‘ He 'd been taken back to Germany for slave labour .
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