Example sentences of "'d [verb] [prep] the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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31 The luminaries he 'd entertained over the decades — the defecting dancers and minor spies , the addicted debutantes , the rock stars with Messianic leanings and the bishops who made idols of barrow-boys — they 'd all had their moments of glory , then fallen .
32 He 'd gone through the drawers once , looking for something — he could n't remember what , but there was nothing personal in that desk .
33 And er one of the men that was helping the old man to do something , to repair the the these tools you know , and he he 'd gone to the stores to get something and leaning over the counter to get something er er to sort of talk as one goes on a on a counter lean he was leaning a on the counter , and he erm the the the storeman he was a tough little beggar , and he said , I 've got a I 've got a I 've got a toothache .
34 He 'd ducked under the curtains and made his way to the dressing rooms via the stage .
35 He looked as though he 'd stepped from the pages of a history book .
36 He 'd seen her like this before , when she had her nose in those poetry books , and once when he 'd sneaked up the stairs and caught her using the telephone .
37 Some subjects , I 'd learned during the weeks I followed Oscar Wilde , were better left only as implications .
38 Bannen , whom she 'd left in the Operations Room , supposedly wracked with grief over the abrupt crash of the simularity of his son .
39 I was up afford dawn getting all ready , setting the china , both ours and what we 'd borrowed on the trestles in the orchard , helping Gideon to put the casks of beer in the yard , ready for the men to fill their harvest bottles , and fetching water from the well for the tea .
40 My father would explain how he dreamed about the ill and how , for instance , in the case of Bobby Bowen 's hand , paralysed after a pit accident , he 'd worked on the fingers for days without success until , in a dream , the answer had come .
41 Well we stopped and we 'd been there about a week , and all men that 'd worked in the pits , they were fetching them .
42 She 'd rifled through the contents of her wardrobe twice , groaning disgustedly as she discounted one garment after another .
43 It was the same look she 'd directed at the men all through lunch and they 'd loved it .
44 Cutting that over the numbers had me down and stopped well before the first intersection , a distance of around 400 metres , and I could have done much better if I 'd heaved on the brakes , which are single Goodyear discs with excellent stopping power .
45 She reached down to the floor where her candle stood , and when she 'd groped for the matches , which proved , as always , astonishingly difficult to locate , she lit it .
46 After I 'd got rid of about half the beer I 'd drunk in the Arms , I went to have another look at the Factory .
47 In consequence , I was particularly disappointed you were not able to accept the invitation I 'd extended via the boys last year .
48 In St Erconwald 's church , Athelstan had just finished the Mass for the dead and was now blessing the corpse of Tosspot , an old drunkard who 'd lived in the cellars of the Piebald Horse tavern .
49 If they 'd listened to the warnings years ago perhaps Gemma would be alive today . ’
50 It really went to show that God was good ; when you 'd paid for the things you did and you were really sorry , He gave you something good to make it up to you .
51 Despite her fiery auburn curls , she very rarely lost her temper — largely because she 'd learnt over the years to put a tight lid on seething emotions in public , keeping explosions solely for when she was by herself .
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