Example sentences of "'d [verb] [prep] [art] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Wisps of rumour I 'd heard in the cafes started to fall together .
2 ‘ My sole reason for invading your maiden privacy , ’ he said with sarcasm , ‘ was because I 'd heard from the police .
3 Maybe someone had one for sale and they 'd advertized in the papers .
4 Things did go wrong … she 'd trusted in the powers of justice and compassion before , and she 'd lost her mother … she 'd trusted Mortimer with her friendship and he 'd betrayed her … trusted Guy with the whole of her heart and soul last night and all the time he 'd been laughing behind her back at the ‘ sexy redhead ’ from Chesters …
5 That 's if the lawyers left her anything after they 'd picked over the bones .
6 She 'd stood there , shivering with the cold , her already ragged clothes ripped further by the rough handling she 'd endured at the hands of the militia .
7 Either he was dead straight , or else he was the sharpest operator-bar none , including the guy she 'd met on a singles ' holiday who 'd almost managed to convince her that he was on his final fling with only ninety days left to live — that she had ever encountered .
8 I think she 'd knitted it herself out of old pieces of string she 'd saved from the children 's birthday presents . ’
9 The wearing of boxer shorts was just one of the many American ways he 'd adopted over the years .
10 He 'd attended to the brakes on the Saturday , but then , feeling unhappy with the alignment of the wheels , had started work on them .
11 In desperation your mother gave me some home movies they 'd made over the years , and I watched a chubby five-year-old with a cheeky grin and eyes like pansies .
12 That night I watched television and did some paperwork , amending the maps to include the newly named Black Destroyer Hill , writing a brief description of what I 'd done to the rabbits and logging both the effects of the bombs that I 'd used and the manufacture of the latest batch .
13 He 'd flipped off the Ray-Bans , and the gold-flecked gaze was narrowed speculatively on the fluttering pulse at her throat , on the rapid rise and fall of her breasts as she strove to catch her breath .
14 All the careful protections she 'd built over the years ?
15 When Ronald Summerfield died three years ago his house and shop were found to be piled high with antiques he 'd collected over the years .
16 He remembered how she 'd sung for the passengers on the ship and how they 'd all liked her .
17 ‘ The Parents ' Association coughed up — used the money they 'd got in the sports fund .
18 The idea of a sequel seemed odd , ‘ Harvest ’ was an LP he 'd badmouthed over the years , and it was hardly his style to go into the Mike Oldfield school of repackaging old product .
19 ‘ It probably wo n't be as bad as you think , ’ said Penry briskly , and launched into a description of the house he 'd bought on the banks of the River Wye near Builth Wells .
20 ‘ But the other , the man , the forensic pathologist thought he 'd died from the effects of nerve gas . ’
21 There was no tension in him : when he was tense there was a rigidity in his neck muscles , a rigidity I 'd watched from the depths of the crowd during the brief day of his trial and seen a few times since , as at Nottingham .
22 She 'd breezed through the courts , faking numbskull stupidity , and come out clean .
23 I 'd stayed with the Puseys several times , and knew my way about the flat .
24 He 'd never settled back into civilian life , and after telling his family at Wood Burcote in Northamptonshire that he was going camping in France , wrote to say he 'd enlisted with the Croats .
25 He 'd crossed over the rocks .
26 She swept back a handful of Lucy 's hair and pinned it up , first on one side and then on the other ; but before she 'd reached for the scissors to begin , Charlie 's face appeared around the doorway .
27 I 'd stuck to the rules arid nothing had happened .
28 ‘ If she 'd stuck to the patterns , ’ said my mother , ‘ there 'd have been no need , but Cynthia had to fiddle with them . ’
29 Penry Vaughan 's irritation at being saddled with an unwelcome guest was understandable enough , but surely he could have let her know he 'd spoken to the police !
30 They had talked about Northumberland — or , rather , Roman had talked and she had listened , at first apathetically , but gradually , as he 'd spoken about the Romans , she 'd become more and more fascinated .
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