Example sentences of "about [num] [noun pl] [adv] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 The well was very deep , about fifty metres down and it took Jennifer ten minutes to complete the task of lowering and raising the bucket .
2 So I do n't think I 've ever I 've had it for about eight months now and I do n't think I 've yet listened to all five in a row without changing it .
3 And I mean there 's s there was a company , it 's still going in Mansfield today , that er it w c making twenty thousand dozens , per week , for Marks and Spencers alone , in the heydays of , only about eight years ago and we down a little bit .
4 That was about 2 months ago and I have received only one reply , to tell me that they could n't help me .
5 Sorry as much as I know about Kelly is he is an Irish U21 international I think he played in Dublin in friendly against Shelbourne about 2 years ago and looked quite OK .
6 The flight is via the USA with only one stop ; travel time about 30 hours out and 27 hours back .
7 The capital of Sardinia , Cagliari , is about 30 miles away and well worth visiting for its many museums and churches .
8 Astor was a German who had settled in Canada about 12 years earlier and started in business , trading with Indian tribes and immigrant trappers .
9 The columns would be about forty yards apart and would fire outwards .
10 It is amazing to walk down Drury Lane or the small streets about 7 Dials today and recall their condition only 50 years ago .
11 I had an interview about 10 years ago but they chose the man who would n't upset anyone — Ron Greenwood .
12 ‘ I 've been learning the ancient Japanese martial art of san tu dang for about 10 years now and that helps me keep my weight constant .
13 We started with parallel leading , where the trainer and horse are about six feet apart and move forward in straight lines .
14 Two of the Julies bred about six weeks ago and around ten fry have been saved , the largest being 15mm in length .
15 I 'm a 27-year-old woman and I 've had a bald patch about the size of a 10 pence piece on the top of my head for about six weeks now and the hair does n't appear to be re-growing .
16 I did it for about six months here and there .
17 Yeah she was mugged er ooh about six months ago and erm and she said she saw a chap walking around a fortnight ago with a gun in his bloody hand .
18 Then the album came out about six months later and there was no track — the track never made it to the album !
19 He had made a will about 21 years earlier and in it left a legacy of £100 to Mrs Violet Peppercorn .
20 all the way round , that 's about three times across and it 's got to be that way round , the all the way round , over how far across .
21 And it was about three hours later and I said to her
22 And remember , it 's for about three minutes only and the driver will be busy doing whatever it is inside the van . ’
23 I 'd given up about three weeks before but I was ready to beg from him .
24 ‘ She came here about three months ago and made your acquaintance , did n't she ? ’
25 He had come from Bangladesh about three months previously and had been in school about two months .
26 We were married at home , and one of the reasons why is because we bought a very old house about three years ago and on the top floor it has a , a large room which used to be the ballroom , and we did a little research and we found that the last wedding that we know of in the house took place in seventeen fifty eight , when apparently it was very common in Scotland to get married at home , it was more uncommon to go to church .
27 ‘ Billy moved away to work — ’ she hesitated for a fraction of a second' — out of London about three years ago and I started seeing someone and Cleo was the result .
28 The English advertising agencies started getting into a very interesting style about three years ago and then they kind of blew it away , they forgot which started letter-spacing upper and lower case .
29 Well , I 've been complaining about this for about three years now and the county council continues to think the forty mile an hour speed limit is perfectly alright .
30 Kingdon accepts , probably too uncritically , that modern humans originated in Africa about 200,000 years ago and then dispersed across the globe .
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