Example sentences of "'s [vb pp] [pers pn] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Collimore 's given it away to Oldfield though .
2 That was a good tackle but he 's given it straight to Pearce .
3 Erm , I found out today , that I did n't realise she 'd actually passed a c , a beautician 's course , so I do n't know why she 's taught me out of all , has n't taught me how to go on .
4 He 's painted them continually for the last 6 years .
5 ‘ Simon 's filled me in in glorious detail . ’
6 ‘ Actually , there 's quite a good exchange on those lines in Catch-22 , the movie — much underrated film — which is n't in the book , so Buck Henry must have written it , where Nately 's been killed and Yossarian 's been to Milo 's whorehouse to see Nately 's whore and Milo 's picked him up in the half-track and he 's saying Nately died a rich man ; he had such-and-such a number of shares in M&M enterprises , and Yossarian says — ’
7 I found out that my friend 's games , my friend 's games but he he 's lent it out to some
8 He 's built us up from the ruins of 1987 .
9 Right , Tara 's helped us there by , they 're the last three parts of the command .
10 It 's thickened it up at the front in n it ?
11 And then we got a table tester to help them refresh their memories , it 's like a disc and then you got the slots and then it tells you your eight times and that 's good as well but I mean he 's got them off by heart which is brilliant !
12 One of the girls at work , her brother does them , er so it 's got me out of it
13 Marie 's got her back to me , watching the telly .
14 They said , ‘ Well , nobody will notice her if she 's got her back to the audience , ’ but all the audience wanted to know was ‘ Why has that girl got her back to the audience , is she hideously scarred ? ’
15 It 's got it down on all these adult educational classes that even though .
16 Now he 's got it down to as little as a couple of weeks .
17 So who 's got it in for you ?
18 ‘ She 's got it in for her stepfather , ’ Constance explained to Mick .
19 And so she 's got it in for us now , really badly !
20 Richard 's got it all over his face !
21 Now you see , she 's got it all over her but
22 ‘ Well , there 's one thing that seems sure to me : she 's not goin' to have it as easy as she 's had it up till now , by the sound of her . ’
23 Yeah , , so erm , I 've got to get some medicine for all of us in a minute , put the prescription in , but erm , you know , she 's had it really for a week like , even though she was treated for thrush
24 Oh it 's tied up a somebody 's tied it back with a piece of string .
25 ‘ Your mam 's invited me back to the house . ’
26 He 's invited us over to his place for the circus and if we like it we can have one here .
27 And lately she 's worn it twice on British engagements .
28 I asked Terry to come along because one of the things I tho I tho I hope we might get round to spending a few minutes on was about Alan 's raised it before about records coming in er , and what the state of the game is in records coming into us and how we 're transferring that information , or not transferring that information onto dep onto department 's national curriculum er material
29 She 's brought it down on enough people 's heads in the past .
30 He used to smoke sixty cigarettes a day and says he 's brought it down to between fifteen and twenty roll-ups .
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