Example sentences of "'s [adv] [be] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In France there 's long been a high priority on keeping the birth rate up , so there are very high maternity grants and family allowances , especially if you 've got three or more children .
2 It 's just been a dry summer .
3 It 's just been a long , exhausting day — ’
4 Well maybe it 's just been a deep , a deep-rooted infection .
5 Later the former Grandstand presenter said : ‘ It 's just been a normal family Sunday lunch .
6 It 's just been a good boat to us .
7 But , apart from there 's not been a great deal of er anthropological study of gypsies a as an ethnic group and you know , studying their and their relationship with the the common population .
8 ‘ That 's because it 's not been a good year , due to fluctuating temperatures . ’
9 Now I know it 's a lot to expect , what with your sister still only nineteen , and the old a ‘ Buck ’ being every year of sixty five , so they tells me , but May and September 's always been a heady mix , and the old fool seems besotted . ’
10 He 's always been a gentle little soul , very loving and friendly with everyone , but as he had to spend 3–4 hours every day on his own at home , we thought we would get another dog as company for him .
11 Yes , there 's always been a genuine interest in the Arts Association as a point where the university , those people involved in the university , can hear about what 's taking place in the arts and also participate in some aspects of the advisory panels .
12 It 's always been a Dark Force , and you 've only succeeded in harnessing a minuscule aspect of it .
13 Oh she 's always been a good daughter up till now , I 'll grant her that , I 've never been one to just blame the girl , Douglas , I blame the boy too .
14 And Smart E 's manager Danny Donnelly says : ‘ There 's always been a strong dance scene here and that 's probably why local bands have been at the forefront of the rave scene .
15 There 's always been a great deal of antipathy between Cheka and Securitate , but the Securitate has to kow-tow .
16 Doing the whole male fantasy trip 's always been a negative image for women to project , but we 're not gon na change it by telling people what to do .
17 It 's always been a standard joke in our family : " Do n't , for heaven 's sake , let Bruce get involved in any kind of business — it 'll go bust overnight ! "
18 Oliver and girls — it 's always been a trickier subject than he likes to make out .
19 ‘ It 's always been a lovely home . ’
20 In fact over the years there 's always been a significant amount of lesbian/gay film making in the general programme .
21 In the past , there 's always been a little farmer over the hedge who jumps to the rescue — or a Hitler dressed up as a little farmer .
22 It 's always been a popular pub and that , along with everything else , has n't changed .
23 The Leeds boss said : ‘ It 's hardly been a stingy start to the season .
24 Coach Marcia says it 's still been a great expericence .
25 So although there has been an enormous expansion of federal aid , there 's also been a vast expansion of state spending and state tax raising .
26 They 're putting parts into used cars but there 's also been a slight upturn in the vehicle market and they 're benefitting from that as well
27 Fred reckons there 's never been a clearer example of what he means .
28 Simon Creese-Parsons , who sells fine decorative pieces at Jadis , reckons : ‘ There 's never been a better time to buy . ’
29 As the slogan on the front of the club 's glossy new brochure proclaims : ‘ There 's never been a better time to be involved with Yorkshire Cricket . ’
30 There 's never been a better time to invest in a new Living Flame gas fire , hearth and surround .
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