Example sentences of "before [pron] [vb past] [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 It was not very long before I came to see it as simply one fad among others .
2 It was a time before I began to understand her a little better and realise that a lot of this was actually a sort of ‘ attention-getting ’ — a bit of theatre just to see how people would react — to manipulate situations a little .
3 Before I 'd joined they 'd called themselves Strand — after the Roxy Music song ‘ Do The Strand — and The Swankers but both these names were well past their sell-by date by the time I arrived .
4 Had you phoned well I did n't know if you 'd phoned after I 'd rung you , or before I 'd rung you .
5 I did n't want you to find the letter before I 'd told you about it . ’
6 , so I put her out in the end it erm it was surprising everybody knew what was going to happen they knew what I was going to do right when I come back in after swi place was empty they 'd got out that door before I 'd got her out the door but erm no it 's it 's very insulting .
7 Before I got married I was living in the London Palace and there was something like three hundred and sixty girls there .
8 Before I got married I led a pretty lively existence where women were concerned , and enjoyed it to the full .
9 Before I got married I used to go a church twice a day .
10 Well before I got married I had this I had this fucking dream that we could n't get our hairs done , all the girls could n't their hairs done because nowhere was open .
11 I found out who they are just before I left to see you .
12 Up to the day before I had hoped he would come with me at least as far as Perpignan , to see me on my way ; now there was no question of that , and indeed I could hardly wait to get away from him .
13 Even before I had finished I began to experience a great feeling of freedom and relief .
14 I recall I was a little taken aback when Miss Kenton opened the door and entered before I had bidden her to do so .
15 Five days later Ira Dilworth called me to his office where , in his kindly fashion , he expressed surprise that he had heard from the RCAF of my application before I had discussed it with him .
16 I felt disillusioned , stale and cynical and I wanted to take a break before I started taking it out on the callers .
17 It was n't long before I started finding them both repetitive and bland .
18 A new set of feelings about the baby had begun to emerge since I had nearly lost it , and I wanted to be sure that they were going to take root before I risked dispersing them with talk .
19 I wondered how long it would be before I stopped loving him .
20 She was kneading bread , her arms flour to the wrists , when the doorway behind her was darkened , and she knew even before she whirled to face him that this was not her father coming home from his snares .
21 She lingered over her task , and it was an age before she 'd covered him from head to toe : finishing her work with nimble fingers on his risen member .
22 Time slipped by easily in his company , and before she 'd realised it , the sun had set .
23 Ruth found herself in his arms , her face against his broad chest — as if she were a little girl again , in the time before she 'd known he was crazy .
24 He was far more suspicious of her now than he had been before she 'd told him about Dana , and he still thought she was Garry 's lover .
25 The night before she got married we went over the house to take all her presents over
26 Lisa knew it was Vass , even before she reached to answer it .
27 He had wooed her with hunger tempered with tenderness , lifting her to heights of fulfilment she could never have even imagined before she had met him , and she 'd been a willing , eager vessel , wreaking her woman 's power over him , submitting joyfully to his possession until in the final moment of consummation she had robbed him of his strength , leaving him as helpless as Samson shorn of his crowning glory .
28 In fact , she knew little more about him now than before she had met him — Cara would make mincemeat of her if she knew that !
29 His instinct for self preservation had warned him of her move long before she had made it .
30 The Sunday before she had asked him to come to tea .
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